Part 8

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Zak felt sick. He was still sat on Darryl's lap in his gaming chair, but they were both focused on their phones. Twitter had blown up, clips of the stream and ship fanarts flooding their feeds. All he could focus on, though, was checking if his parents had messaged him.

This really was a shitty way to find out your son's sexuality... Zak sniffled and Darryl's strong arms pulled him close. "Hey," he murmured, "it's going to be okay. I love you, we can get through this, okay?"

Zak just started crying, overwhelmed and worried about his family and what they would think of him now. He got up out of Darryl's arms, shaking his head as he left the room. He went to the bathroom, locked the door and sat on the edge of the bath. Taking a deep breath, he got his phone out of his pocket and called his mom.

Dialling Mom Mobile...


"Hi mom, have you seen... the videos and stuff about me on twitter?" Zak couldn't hold back a small sob.

"Oh, honey, why are you upset? No I haven't, I'll go have a look now, just hold on, okay?"


"... Ah. I see what you mean. Well, your fans always joke around and mess with you, I'm sure it will all blow over soon. Nobody will believe these lies anyway, don't-"


"Yes, honey?"

"It's not a joke."

"Yes, I know, it's not funny, they shouldn't have messed with you-"


"Yes, Zak?"


"Honey, are you still there? You've gone all quiet..."

"Mom," Zak pleaded quietly, "please understand what I'm trying to say. This isn't a joke, this is real. I... love Darryl."

"Oh. I see... well, your dad's asking me to come help him downstairs, I hope you get things sorted and back to normal, bye!"

Zak crumpled on the floor as she hung up. He had heard the disgust in her voice as she had dismissed him, and it broke his heart. He lay sobbing there for a long time, not wanting to ever move again.

'Zak's been gone for a really long time,' Darryl thought worriedly, 'maybe I should go check on him...' He walked out of his room across the hall, heading for Zak's room, but the sound of muffled sobs stopped him. He could hear Zak in the bathroom and the door was locked. He knocked softly, asking to be let in, but there was no response.

His heart filled with shards of ice, splintering and torturous as he felt Zak's pain. It was unbearable; he refused to leave Zak to suffer alone. He got a wrench out from under the kitchen sink and tore the lock off of the bathroom door, pushing it open.

Zak was curled up in a ball on the floor, crying and facing away from him. Darryl came and slipped his arms around him, comforting him the best he could. "Shhhh.... it's okay," he whispered.

To his surprise, the sobs abruptly stopped and Zak whipped his head around with a cold glare. "No, Darryl, no it is not alright. I told my mom I love you and she's disgusted by me. I don't think-" he broke off, his voice breaking, "I don't think I can do this."

With that, he ran into his room, packed as many clothes as he could and all of his money, then fled out the front door.

Darryl was still lying on the bathroom floor, completely alone in his flat. He got up slowly and checked Zak's room, wondering what he had been doing just now - it was practically bare, he realised with a thick throat. The wardrobe doors were left open, all of Zak's clothes ripped off of their hangers, no trace of him left apart from an unmade bed and cluttered computer setup.

Darryl felt unbearable pain in his chest and collapsed into Zak's bed, sobbing. He knew exactly what the pain was from - Zak had broken his heart...


Hi, Nadia here! ❤️

First of all, thank you for reading Part 8 of Bashful - Skeppy x BadBoyHalo!

Second of all, if you have any suggestions or constructive criticism, comment down below.

See you in the next part 😊

Instagram: mind_of_nadia
Come for a chat in my DMs :)


*Hides behind chair*

Cliffhanger b-bitches!

.... Sorry ❤️❤️❤️

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