Part 39

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As Jacob gradually came to, he looked around him in confusion. He was in the living room, under a swelteringly hot blanket, and he had no idea why. Turning onto his side, he saw a jumper discarded on the floor next to him. Picking it up, he sat bolt upright as memories of the night before started to filter into his mind. The horror movie... Spifey - wait no, George... cuddling in the moonlight... their first kiss - and the ones that followed. Hugging the jumper to his chest, he smiled happily as he kicked off the blanket and stood up.

Padding upstairs, he knocked quietly on George's room door and it swung open. "Hey," he grinned.

"Morning, sleepy head," George rolled his eyes, going back to his computer and shutting it off. Sitting on the bed, he patted the space next to him. "You took so long I managed to film, edit and upload a whole video. How can one person sleep for such a long time?"

"I don't know," Jacob joked, "I was probably in a fear-induced coma."

"It wasn't even that scary!" George complained, taking hold of his hand. "Anyways, did you want to do something together today?"

"Sure," Jacob smiled, "did you have anything in mind?"

"We can do anything. It doesn't matter, really, as long as we're spending time together."

"Aww, that was so soppy!" He teased, smirking. "But yeah... that sounds perfect."

Clay was on the landing when they headed out of the house, and he stared in disbelief at their linked hands. Sticking his tongue out, George pulled Jacob out of the front door without a second glance. Clay just stood there, watching their figures retreating down the driveway in shock. He felt completely alone, surrounded by couples and unbearably lonely. He felt his anger rising as he stomped into the living room, grabbing some stale pretzels off of the coffee table for breakfast. He couldn't believe that everyone else except for him was happily paired off; it made him feel unwanted and useless.

Hearing movement from inside of Zak's office above his head, he thought of a plan and snuck back upstairs, discarding his pretzels. Taking a deep breath, he knocked quietly on Darryl and Zak's room door. It opened, and Darryl looked out, confused. Seeing Clay standing there, he blanched slightly, but made an attempt at smiling. "Hi Clay, did you want something?"

In a small voice, Clay replied, "Can I talk to you for a minute?" He saw Darryl's features soften and celebrated internally. He knew guilt tripping would work!

"Of course you can," Darryl replied gently, opening the door all the way and gesturing him inside. They sat on the edge of the bed there, silent for a moment. "What's up?"

"I want to talk to you about..." taking a deep breath, Clay continued, "I want to explain why I was being so horrible to you."

"Oh - okay...?"

"You're probably going to hate me for this, but I need you to listen to what I have to say." Darryl went to speak, but he held his hand up to stop him. "Every time you and Zak so much as touch, it makes me insanely jealous. I get so mad, and I lash out at you for no reason. I can't help it, and I'm not proud of it. The truth is," he bit his lip anxiously, then blurted out, "I like you."

Darryl spluttered, his eyes as wide as saucers. Clay held his breath, waiting desperately for him to answer.

"Oh Clay, I had no idea..." Darryl's eyes were full of pity. "I'm with Zak, and I love him more than anything. I'm sorry, but I don't feel the same way." Clay's face fell, his pain raw and unconcealed. Panicking, Darryl urged softly, "I'm sure you'll find someone else!"

It was as if a switch had been flicked  inside of Clay's mind. His eyes glowing with anger and sadness, he shouted, "I DON'T WANT ANYONE ELSE!"

Darryl stood up nervously, backing away. Advancing, Clay trapped him against the wall. Darryl closed his eyes, expecting to be punched.

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