A soft place to fall

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(Y/H/N)=Your Husband's Name

You and (Y/H/N) walked into the event arm in arm and were greeted by all his close friends and employees, You politely smiled and bowed to those who said hello then (Y/H/N) wondered off with his friends to the bar, not even offering you a drink or anything. You sigh and go to find a table sorta far from the crowd, you weren't even the party type anyways but you went to these things to support your husband, it's just that he doesn't sometime show you the same appreciation.

"What are you doing here by yourself?". You hear a deep voice say.

You look up and see SeungHyun, a close friend and employee of your husband, you stand up and you two exchange a friendly hug.

"I just needed to get away from the big crowd that's all"

"Where's (Y/H/N)?"

You were about to reply when SeungHyun looks over and sees your husband at the bar, already getting drunk.

"I see". SeungHyun saids.

You both sit down and begin talking with SeungHyun, SeungHyun was the only friend of your husband's who you got along with and you two had a good deal in common, he was someone you wanted in a partner...you mentally shook your head from that thought.

"Thank you for keeping me company SeungHyun"

"No problem."

*Play Song (optional)*

SeungHyun stands up and he puts his hand out for you and you happily take it, you two walk out onto the dance floor and he places a hand on your lower back, you hold his other hand and lay your head on his chest.

"I'm not holding you too tight aren't I?"

"Not at all"

The scent of SeungHyun's cologne was alluring, you hadn't been held like this in a long time and it felt nice, you haven't felt this way in years.

Looking for a place to hide
A warm bed on a cold night

You look up at SeungHyun and he looks back at you, you both lean in and share a soft kiss, suddenly you're snapped back into reality and pull away.

"I can't do this". You say then quickly walk away.

"Y/n wait!". SeungHyun calls out.

You get back to your table and SeungHyun runs up to you, you look away from him but he turns your head to face him.

"I'm sorry SeungHyun, I don't know what came over me". You said.

"It's okay". SeungHyun saids.

"I know this will sound weird but I haven't been held like that in quite a while and all that just..yeah". You said.

"You're a beautiful woman y/n, a beautiful woman who deserves to be appreciated and loved, I know you're not getting that from (Y/H/N)". SeungHyun saids, stepping closer to you.

"I'm still married SeungHyun". You say.

SeungHyun leans down and he kisses you again, this time you kiss him back, you knew it was wrong to be kissing your husband's friend...

But at the same time, it felt just right.

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