Gangster TOP pt.3

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I was in the kitchen cooking dinner when the front door burst open and JiYong runs in, he was fired up and I saw blood on his shirt.

"Oh my god, wha-"

"Where's the first aid kit? SeungHyun got beaten up pretty bad"


I open the cabinet and hand the first aid to JiYong, we run out to the living room where SeungHyun is, I see cuts on his nose and cheek and bruises everywhere then of course, blood on him as well.

"What happened?". I ask SeungHyun.

"IKon is what happened". JiYong saids.


"IKon, they're a rival gang". SeungHyun saids.

"I'll get you cleaned up". I said to him.

"No you don't have too-"

"I want too."

I open the first aid kit and begin cleaning up SeungHyun's wounds, JiYong wasn't injured and he left you two alone, SeungHyun notices that I was quiet.

"I never wanted you to see me like this y/n, There's three sides to me; The romantic side you see everyday, the business man with the casino and the gangster. I try to keep you away from that part of my life, it's too dangerous, I couldn't live with myself with something happened to you". SeungHyun saids.

You apply the bandaid to SeungHyun's cheek and nose then you look up at him, you caress his cheek that wasn't cut and bruised, You both lean in and begin kissing.

"I love you y/n". SeungHyun saids.

"I love you too". I said.

SeungHyun pulls me onto his lap and wraps his arms around me, the kiss gets more passionate as both our clothes came off.

We didn't even bother going to the bedroom as SeungHyun made love to me on the floor in front of the fireplace.


Me and my right hand man, Bobby were sitting in my office discussing what to do next about those BigBang bastards, they had beaten up our men and I want to make them pay.

"I think I know how to get them back". Bobby saids.

"How so?". I said.

Bobby sits up and he pulls out a picture from an envelope, he hands it to me and I see it's a picture of a beautiful woman with SeungHyun, I get a evil smile on my face.

"So this must be his new squeeze, she is beautiful". I said.

"It's someone he loves very much, target someone he loves more then anything else". Bobby saids.

"Someone he loves.."

"I tell our boys to round her up". Bobby saids.

"Sounds good, bring her alive."


I exit the mall happy and giddy after getting what I needed, I was about to reach the car when I hear rapid footsteps coming up behind me but before I could turn around, I feel the coldness of a gun against my temple.

"Come with me quietly and I won't hurt you."

I was about to scream for help but I felt the butt of the pistol hit me on the head, All that came next was blackness.

"I got the girl boss, we're heading back to the warehouse now."

AN: Uh oh, SeungHyun and the BigBang boys are about whoop some ass!

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