Bandmate's sister Pt.2

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SeungHyun's POV:

It's been a little over two weeks that I found out that y/n was pregnant, I didn't know if YoungBae knows or not so I hadn't say anything about it, I knew YoungBae would be furious that his bandmate and best friend got his little sister pregnant. I walked into the studio and saw JiYong was there, I had to get this off my chest, I knew I can trust JiYong.

"Hey TOP, what's up with you man?". JiYong asks.

"I have to get something off my chest but promise me it'll stay between us". I say.

"I promise man, tell me what's wrong". JiYong said sitting down.

I rub my hands together nervously and take a deep breath before talking.

"I got y/n pregnant". I said in a somewhat rushed tone.

"You what??". JiYong said shocked.

"I got y/n pregnant man, shit I'm fucking screwed". I said.

"When did you two..hook up?". JiYong asks me.

"First Time was the evening of y/n's birthday party then the second time was in my studio, i think that's when she got pregnant". I said.

"Shit man, she's only 19". JiYong saids.

"I know, I didn't mean for it to happen but it did". I said.

"Look TOP, you gotta man up and take responsibility, do the right thing". JiYong saids.

"I know man and I'm going too, I'm not gonna let y/n go through this alone". I said.

JiYong gets up and pats my back, I sigh and felt a little better that I finally opened up to someone.

"I know you'll be a good dad man". JiYong saids.

I give JiYong a small smile but the atmosphere was interrupted when we hear the main entrance of the building opening violently, I can hear y/n crying pleading with someone.

"Wheres TOP?!". I hear YoungBae shout.

"Oh shit". Me and JiYong say at the same time.

"I have to be a man and face him". I say.

"I got your back if things get crazy". JiYong saids.

The studio door swings open and YoungBae storms in, JiYong steps in front of him and holds YoungBae back so he wouldn't attack me.

"Who said you could sleep with my little sister huh?!". YoungBae shouts angrily.

"Look bro I didn't mean for it to happen but it did!". I said.

"She's only fucking 19 man! Didn't you think about that before?!"

"I'm gonna step up and do the right thing, I'm going to be man and be a dad for our baby!"

YoungBae finally stops trying to come at me and runs a hand through his hair, y/n walks up to me, I see the slightly bloated belly.

"You really mean it?". Y/n said.

"I do y/n". I said.

She hugs me and I wrap my arms around her in a hug, I rub her back gently.

"I love you". Y/n whispers softly to me.

YoungBae's face softens a little seeing us embrace, I pat y/n's back so she lets go, YoungBae motions for me and him to go into the next room so I follow him.

"I'm upset man, I want so badly to punch you but I'm not going too". YoungBae saids.

"Really?". I say.

"Yeah man, She's my little sister and I'm naturally protective of her but I've known you for a long time and I know you're a great guy, promise me you'll be there for y/n and the baby"

"I will man, you know that."

YoungBae nods and he share a guy hug, Y/n nervously walks in but YoungBae quickly reassures her that everything is okay and leaves us alone.

"I'm thinking a boy". I say to break the ice.

"A boy? What if I have a girl?". Y/n asks.

"Then we're gonna have a spoiled daddy's girl on our hands". I say, y/n giggles.

I walk up to y/n and put my hand on her bump, we smile at each other then lean in and softly kiss each other on the lips, y/n rest her head on my chest.

"Everything is going to be okay y/n, I'll be with you each step of the way."

*10 months later*
(Still in SeungHyun's POV)

I was awoken by y/n gently shoving me and the cries of our son can be heard from the baby monitor, I knew it was my turn to check on (Y/S/N) so I rolled out of bed and walked down the hall to the nursery.

"Hey buddy, it's okay, dada's here."

I cooed as I picked up (Y/S/N) and cradled him in my arms, his cries soften as I hum to him and sat in his recliner, rocking him back and forth.

It's funny how much my life has changed over the course of almost ten months but after having (Y/S/N), I couldn't imagine my life any other way now.

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