Gangster TOP Pt.5

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Me and the guys arrive at Hanbin's office and we make our way inside, we pass the receptionist who was confused by us walking pass her.

"Excuse me, you can't go in without an appointment". She saids.

"Just sit down ma'am". YoungBae tells her.

I walk up the long hall towards Hanbin's office, I was greeted by an armed security guard, he draws his gun but I quickly punch him in the nose then grab his pistol and pistol whip him, I grab a wine bottle on the table before stepping inside.

"What the fu-"

I cut off Hanbin by chucking the wine bottle at him, he ducks and it shatters against the wall, I walk up to him and grab him by the shirt, I land a few hard punches on Hanbin's face.

"Listen to me and listen to me good, you better tell me where y/n is or I swear to god that your brains will be on this wall". I said.

"Y/n who?". Hanbin saids.

"You know damn well who I'm talking about, where's y/n?". I ask him again.

"It's gonna take a lot to get me to talk". Hanbin saids.

"Listen here you son of a bitch, if you don't tell me where my girl is then I'll make your life a living hell, I'll kill your men, run your business to the ground...and I might even pay a little visit to your house"

"You wouldn't dare go near my family!"

"Then tell me where y/n is!"

"...she's being held at my warehouse along the Han River, I must warn you that my guys aren't very nice and you only have a limited amount of time to save your precious y/n before they...yeah"

"If your men so much as lay a finger on her I swear to god-"

"I can't control them Choi, tick tock tick tock."

I let go of Hanbin and get ready to head out when I hear a gun click behind me, I quickly turn around and shoot Hanbin in the chest, he falls against the wall and slowly slides down to the floor.

"Let's go guys."

*Time skip-The Warehouse*

We arrive at the warehouse and quietly case the building, I open a side door and we step inside, I have my gun ready for anything. We step further inside and I hear a noise, I slowly turn the corner and see a guy standing there with a gun in his hand, I see someone tied up to a chair with a burlap sack on their head.

"That's her..". I whisper to JiYong.

"SeungHyun don't go in there all blazing glory, it could get us or her killed". JiYong advises quietly.

"Please let me go..please". I can hear y/n beg, my heart broke a little.

"Begging is doing you no good so hush". The guard orders her.


"I said hush!"

My blood starts boiling at the sight of y/n being yelled at, My hand holding my gun begins shaking, I peak around the corner and begin making my over to them, I sneak up behind the guard and shoot him on the back of the head.

"Don't hurt me! Don't kill me!". Y/n pleads frightened.

"It's me y/n, it's me". I said.

"SeungHyun??". Y/n saids.

I remove the burlap sack and untie her, we embrace in a hug, Y/n cries into my chest, I rub her back.

"It's okay, we'll take you home-"

"Boss we got company!"

I hear other guards running in, I tell y/n to go hide then run out there to begin exchanging gunfire with the guards, Some fall to the ground injured or dead but then I feel a sharp pain in my right hip.

"SeungHyun!". I hear y/n shout.

JiYong shoots the guy who shot me and the gunfire cease, I hold my side that's bleeding, Y/n runs up to me as YoungBae puts his shirt to my wound to slow the bleeding.

"Daesung, call the doctor and tell him to meet us at SeungHyun's house". JiYong saids.

Daesung nods and he gets on the phone, YoungBae and JiYong help me up, Making sure my wound is covered up.

"W-Where's y/n?". I ask, getting dazed.

"I'm right here baby". Y/n saids.

"Stay with us man, stay with us". YoungBae saids.

We reach the car and they put me in the back, y/n site besides me as they guys race to my house where the doctor is waiting.

"Stay with me SeungHyun". Y/n saids, she caresses my cheek.

"I missed you". I said weakly.

"I missed you too". Y/n saids.

"I was worried..we wouldn't save you in time.."

"Everything is okay now, stay awake."

We each my house in record time, I was so weak that I was practically carried inside, everything started getting hazy as the doctor got the iv ready and right as he stuck the needle in, I black out.

*Several Hours Later*

My eyes slowly fluttered opened to my bedroom dimly lit by my lamp, I slowly look around and see the blood bag on the hook and look down at my hip that's been treated and wrapped, I look over to my side and see y/n sleeping peacefully in one of my white shirts, I smile at the sight of her, I comb her hair back a little.


"It's me baby"

Y/n didn't say anything as she snuggles up to my side and rest her head on my chest, I hold her hand and caress the skin with my thumb, I kiss her forehead.

"I'm never letting you go again."


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