Cover Me Up

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*A sorta sequel to Whiskey and You*

You heard the buzzing of your phone on the nightstand, you stir and roll over to answer it, not bothering to see who it is.





"Why are you calling me? It's 2:00 am-"

"I'm having one of those nights.."

You instantly sat up in your bed and turn on your lamp, you can tell by his speech he was drunk, you also knew that drinking can also trigger his depression.

"SeungHyun are you at the house?"


"I'm coming over, please don't do anything.."

"I-I won't.."

"I'll be there soon."

You hang up and quickly got dressed, you grabbed your keys and practically sped to the house, you pulled up and ran up to the porch where luckily the door was unlocked.

"SeungHyun? SeungHyun where are you?"

You heard a noise upstairs so you ran up the stairs and saw the lamp on in the bedroom, you step in and see plastic cups scattered all over the room and see SeungHyun sitting on the floor with his back against the bed.

"SeungHyun, SeungHyun are you okay?"

SeungHyun's eyes flutter open and he sees you, he rest his head back and looks up at the ceiling, you couldn't help but start to get a little emotional at the sight of your ex-fiancé.

"SeungHyun, what happened?"

"You left me, you left me and you took our little girl with you"

"You really expected me to let Hanna see you do this to yourself? I've tried several times to get you help but you always turn me down and make empty promises, I got sick of it SeungHyun"

"You think it's easy to just quit all this in two months at a facility? No, No matter how many times I try, I just can't y/n...What's the point now Anyways?"

"You have a nearly five year old daughter who needs her daddy, every night since we left, she's been asking when can she see daddy or when are we going back home to daddy. It breaks her heart when we call you that you can't even make out a full sentence cause you're so wasted, why are you being so selfish SeungHyun?"

SeungHyun head shoots up and with lightening speed, Is on his feet but teeters side to side, You back up a little.

"I'm selfish?"

"Yes SeungHyun, you don't want to get sober for me or Hanna then what will it take then? Do I have to completely cut off all contact with Hanna so you can get the message?"

"Don't even fucking say that"

"You're an alcoholic SeungHyun, I don't want our little girl to see you drink yourself to death cause you can't swallow your pride and get the help you obviously need, till then you're not allowed to see or talk to Hanna"

"You can't do that!"

"As a concerned mother, I can, goodbye SeungHyun."

You go to leave and walk out the room, SeungHyun follows behind you, you speed up your steps.

"You're not gonna keep me from seeing my fucking daughter, you hear me?!". SeungHyun shouts, he grabs your arm tightly and yanks you towards him.

"SeungHyun you're hurting me!". You shout crying, scared of the man you once loved.

SeungHyun snaps back into reality and let's you go, you hold your arm and cry from the pain, SeungHyun puts his hands on his head.

"Y/n, y/n I'm sorr-"

"Stay the fuck away from me!"

You run out of the house and head back to your parents, SeungHyun begins crying and he grabs a bottle off the floor, he sees it's empty and throws against the wall in anger. SeungHyun couldn't believe he put his hands on the love of his life, the mother of his daughter, he was besides himself and knew it was time to take that first time to get help which he does the next morning.

*Three Months Later*

SeungHyun was coming back home after completing a 90 day rehab program, you were waiting for him to get dropped off and had the house cleaned up along with his favorite dinner ready, Hanna was sitting in the living room watching tv. You heard a car door slam shut, Hanna runs up to the window, she runs up to the door and runs outside.

"Daddy!". Hannah shouts.

SeungHyun drops his stuff and scoops up Hanna in his arms, they hugged each other for a while then walked inside, SeungHyun puts his bags in the bedroom before joining you in the kitchen.

"Smells good". He saids.

"How does it feel to be home?". You ask.

"Feels good, I missed you". SeungHyun saids.

"I missed you too". You say.

SeungHyun walks over to you and pulls you close by your hips, you both lean in and kiss each other softly, you did miss him and you were happy you were getting the old SeungHyun back.

"I'm so proud of you SeungHyun, you look great". You say.

"I just want to say I'm sorry for everything I did, I'm sorry for being a horrible father to Hanna and a horrible fiancé to you, I'm sorry for ruining our wedding plans cause I was so stupid to see what's really important to me". SeungHyun saids, he wipes his tears away.

"Let's not focus on the past, let's focus on the future, I'm just happy to have you back SeungHyun and also yes"

"Yes what?"

"Yes, I will marry you...again."

SeungHyun smiles and he sees that you're wearing your engagement ring once again, he leans down and kisses you passionately, you kiss him back.

Your relationship wasn't perfect but you knew that things will start looking up in the long haul, you were happy to have the old SeungHyun back.

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