A soft place to fall pt.3

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SeungHyun's POV:

I was in my kitchen making some hot coffee as the rain poured outside, I walked into the living room with my mug in hand and grabbed the remote when a loud knock startles me, I set my coffee down and walk up to the door to answer it.

"Jennie? What are you doing here?". I ask her.

"It's y/n, she's in the hospital!". Jennie saids upset.

"Wha-what happened to her?!". I said grabbing my coat.

"(Y/H/N) hurt her..". Jennie saids.

"That bastard". I mumble.

I slip on my coat and grab my keys, I get in my car and drive to y/n's house, I see his car is there so i park and get out, I storm into the house and see (Y/H/N) sitting at the table drinking out of a whiskey bottle.

"Well well, if ain't the guy who's fucking my wife". (Y/H/N) slurs.

I snapped and tackle him to the ground, I land a few solid punches on him but (Y/H/N) manages to sneak in a right hook, I grab his wrist to prevent him from punching me again, I grab the bottle off the table and smash it over (Y/H/N)'s head.

"If you come near y/n, you're fucking dead". I said.

I walk out of the house and get in my car, I take a deep breath to calm down then I begin driving to the hospital.


You slowly open your eyes to see you were in a white room and had an IV hooked up to you, you wanted to speak but couldn't, you look over and see SeungHyun asleep in the chair in the corner, you press the nurse button and a nurse comes in within seconds.

"Ah y/n, you're awake and alert which is good, the reason you can't speak is because we had to wire your jaw shut, he broke it from punching you". The nurse saids.

SeungHyun wakes up and sees you awake, he stands up and slowly walks over to you, you grab his hand and he gently squeezes it.

"Y/n has her jaw wired shut so she can't speak for a while and will have to eat only liquids through a straw for a few weeks, will you be taking care of her?". The nurse asks SeungHyun.

"Yes ma'am". He saids.

"Alright, I'll go get the doctor to evaluate her for discharge, I'll be back". The nurse saids.

She leaves the room, SeungHyun looks at you and you see he's a little cut up so you point to his face confused.

"I got into a little fight, no big deal". SeungHyun saids.

You nod and SeungHyun grabs the stool so he can sit besides you, you look over at him and see the guilt in his eyes, you grab the notepad and pen so you write him a message.

I don't blame you for what happened, I should've left him a long time ago.

"I know but..I should've been there to protect you". SeungHyun saids getting slightly choked up.

Stop blaming yourself, I'm going to be okay and that's all that matters

"You're right, you wanna stay with me? While you heal and get back on your feet". SeungHyun asks.

I would like too, SeungHyun, I want to be with you.

SeungHyun smiles and he moves some hair from your face, You grab his hand and kiss his knuckle.

"I want to be with you too y/n, I love you". SeungHyun saids.

I love you too SeungHyun

SeungHyun leans down and gently kisses your forehead, The doctor comes in and he checks out everything then clears you to go home, SeungHyun helped you get some things from the house and got you moved in with him. After a month, your jaw was able to be unwired and you could finally talk and eat solids, you had filed a restraining order against (Y/H/N) and were in the process of divorce, SeungHyun was your rock through all this.

"Everything okay?". SeungHyun asks.

"Yeah, just thinking of some things". You said.

SeungHyun walks up to you and wraps his arms around your waist, you smile as you feel him kiss your cheek.

"SeungHyun you love me right?". You ask him.

"I do". SeungHyun saids.

You turn around in his arms and kiss him, he kisses you passionately and you run your hands down his chest, SeungHyun rests his forehead against yours.

After an emotional roller coaster, you've finally gotten your happy ending.

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