New Family

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You and SeungHyun have been dating for two years and it's been amazing, it was hard for you to find someone due to the fact you had two young daughters from a previous relationship and most of the men didn't want that responsibly until you met SeungHyun, he wasn't deterred at all and after a year of dating you introduced him to your daughters whom instantly loved Seunghyun. Today, SeungHyun was taking you out for a date but he sounded nervous on the phone which got you nervous, your girls walk into your room.

"Mama, why are you nervous?". Sang Hee, your eldest daughter asked.

"I'm not nervous baby". You said.

"Your hands are shaking mommy". Seo-Yun, your youngest saids.

"Girls, let your mother get ready, come eat your dinner". Your mom saids.

Sang Hee and Seo-Yun leave the room, you finish getting ready just in time as SeungHyun arrives to pick you up.

"SeungHyun!". The girls shout as they hug him.

"Hey girls, How are you?". SeungHyun saids.

You slowly walk out to them and he slowly stands up, SeungHyun smiles and softly kisses you.

"You look beautiful honey, ready to go?"

"I am, Girls be good for grandma"

"We will!". They shout.

You and SeungHyun leave the house and head to the restaurant, you two had a nice dinner and nice conversation, Suddenly a waiter brings over a plate and sets it down.


"Read what it saids.

You look at the plate and saw what it saids, you look up at SeungHyun surprised and he gets down on one knee

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You look at the plate and saw what it saids, you look up at SeungHyun surprised and he gets down on one knee.

"Y/n, We've been together for a long time and I couldn't imagine doing life without you, I want you by my side forever. With that being said, y/n, will you marry me?"

SeungHyun opens the box to reveal a beautiful ring, you nod in response and SeungHyun slips the ring on your finger, the people in the restaurant applauded your beautiful moment.

"You made me a happy man baby". SeungHyun saids, he places a soft kiss on your lips.

"The ring is beautiful SeungHyun, I want to tell the girls". You said.

"They actually sorta know". SeungHyun saids.

"Wait really?"

"Yeah, I had to get their blessing first."

You smile and he hugs you, you two pay and head back to the house, you show your mom the ring and she immediately gushes.

"Congratulations you two, I'm so happy for you both". Mom saids hugging you and SeungHyun.

"Thank you ma'am". SeungHyun saids.

"I'll let you two be, Goodnight". She saids.

"Thank you mom for everything tonight". You say.

Your mom leaves the house and SeungHyun walks over to you, you smile at him and he kisses you passionately.

"Wanna celebrate..."

"The girls are sleeping"

"We'll be quiet."

SeungHyun picks you up bridal style and carries you to the bedroom, he lays you down on your bed and hovers over you.

"I can't wait to begin a new chapter with you, be a husband to you and raise the girls like my own..maybe even have one of our own."

You pull SeungHyun closer to you and you two begin kissing passionately, officially ringing in your engagement.

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