Chapter 2

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The morning sun shone right on my face waking me up and causing me to roll almost off the bed. Groaning I pulled myself up off the small bed and into the tiny bathroom. Looking in the mirror I at least looked much brighter than I felt. I rubbed my eyes then focused on getting a shower to freshen my mind.
Soon I was washed and dressed. I had chosen blue jeans with a black t-shirt then pulled out my leather jacket. I was sorting my backpack for the day when a quiet tapping sounded from the bedroom door. Opening it I found the same lady from last night holding a tray with a full cooked breakfast and toast on. "Good morning," she said cheerfully "hope your hungry."
I took the tray from her smiling back "thank you so much, I'm starving." My stomach growled, eager to stay munching through the freshly cooked food.
"Enjoy sweetie," she turned away heading down the creaky stairs. She was quiet sweet which left me smiling absentmindedly as she walked away. I closed the door and sat by the window at the small oak desk to eat my breakfast. It tasted just as good as it smelt. I had been to places in cities where the food never tasted this good.
After I'd finished I checked my backpack, camera and money then left the room locking the door and adding the key to my bag. I took the tray and placed it on the reception before heading out to explore and get my bearings.
The air was cold but not windy so my leather jacket was enough to keep me warm. It did feel crisp and refreshing to my face as I headed further into the village. As I walked along I noticed there was few shops including a little sand which shop and a small almost corner shop with everyday essentials. I went in the sand which shop to discover they also had maps of the area. Ordering a BLT I paid for a map and some other snacks. I also asked the shop owner wether there was any beauty spots. She explained the forest was considered very beautiful but I shouldn't stay after dark. I thanked her for her advice then headed out towards the forest.
It didn't take long to get out in the trees as the village really was very small. There I found the little river that according to the map ran through the forest down from the imposing mountain in the distance. I decided I'd follow it up stream so I wouldn't get lost and would easily find my way back to the village.
I managed to snap a few photos of the river along the way passing the morning away, I didn't even realise the time till I found a small clearing beside the water's edge. I lay down in the soft grass and closed my eyes, it was so unbelievably peaceful out here. Sighing I sat up and pulled out my makeshift picnic feel the pull of hunger in my stomach. Eating gave me time to look around the clearing from my position.
The trees around the clearing were thicker than I'd walked through. I imagined you'd stop hearing the river rumble as soon as you stepped through the tree line.
I finished eating and picked up my camera then wandered to the tree line. I was fascinated with how it was like looking into another world from the bright clear space I currently was in. Taking a few pictures I then sat down to get lower shots. A yawn escaped my mouth, grinning I decided to lay back down taking some sky pictures. Putting my camera down I closed my eyes not realising that would be the start of a long afternoon nap.

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