Chapter 21

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I sat on the cabin's porch in a wool lined coat and leggings with matching boots watching proudly my alpha speak to the pack. Although he'd wanted me to go sleep up in our room I'd insisted I needed to show my face to the pack, which Katie agreed with over a bowl of cereal. It was sort of mesmerising the way Keyan commanded everyone and how they all listened to him. There was no question that he was their alpha. It dawned on me as some of them let their gazes fall on me for split seconds that I was now expected to provide the next alpha. As though reading my thoughts Caleb appeared beside me and said "don't worried there's no rush." I blushed biting my lower lip before he added "everyone will be in agreement that the threat needs to be dealt with first." He gave me a cheeky grin and leaned on the doorway, "I would have killed that bastard if he'd come anywhere near her. No question about it and I know Keyan wishes he had killed him. He's actually against killing but that was before he had you. He'd do anything to keep you safe," I could tell he was close to Keyan. He was who Keyan had gone to after our talk.
Keyan meanwhile had begun walking back to the cabin, as he stepped on the first step up he said to Caleb "when the elder gets here we need to know exactly what we're up against." He looked down at me "he's not scaring you, is he?"
"Hey, now why would I do that?" Caleb chuckled.
"It's okay he was just explaining how deep mate bonds are." I said before adding "and also about the future of the pack."
"Ow!" I looked up at Caleb who was rubbing his head after Katie hit round the back of the head. "What was that for?"
"For scaring her, seriously there's enough going without you opening your big mouth." She saluted her big brother "come on, alpha needs us to do some sneaky scout work." She yanked Caleb down off the porch and towards the trees. "See ya later love birds." They waved and we waved back at them as the changed and galloped off into the forest.
Keyan day beside me and sighed taking my hand in his, "are you worried?" He asked keeping his eyes on the tree line.
"About which part," I chuckled a little and he did too.
"About the future, with us." He looked at me "I know you've never when you've wanted to and I personally want to do this right. So there really is no sense in rushing into the whole having kids thing just yet."
I nodded "I just don't know if I know how to do it." I wanted to sound relaxed with it but I sounded terrified of trying.
"It's okay, lets just focus on keeping you safe for now."
"Okay," we both looked out to the trees in silence that was until we saw a black Dacia pull up.

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