Chapter 14

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Laying in the bed I pulled the blanket closer, after seeing the memory I felt confused, even more lost. Keyan had disappeared after calming me down when we came out of the memory. Katie had been bringing me food but I hadn't touch anything she'd brought up. I heard the door creaked open and believing it was Katie again I groaned covering my head, "I'm still not hungry."
"Amy please," Keyan was back. I sat up with the fluffy blanket bundled round me. He was looking at the bowls of soup. "Jesus, how many bowls did she bring up?" He chuckled walking towards the bed, "I've got something to show you." He climbed beside me pulling me and his fluffy blanket in front of him. Then he placed a book between us, "it's an album of a pack that was wiped out nearly 20 years ago. I recognised those people, I mean I think for definite they were your parents." I looked at him blankly, he opened the album which had singed edges. "Look it's them and...."
I looked down and sure enough it was them, holding a baby girl and dressed in Scottish finery including a kilt. "Is that?" I mumbled.
Keyan nodded "Amy you're a wolf."
"Why did they leave me?" My eyes had welled you with tears. I could feel my hands shaking "why would they abandon me?" I didn't understand, what happened to them.
"Your pack was murdered by a pack of rogues. I think they left you there to keep you safe. It explains why you have never changed into a wolf form. Being runs humans your wolf will have never been enticed into the open." He placed a hand on mine before continuing, "it also explains how fast your leg healed. Amy your parents were protecting you by giving you up. They died defending their home and pack."
I was staring down at the image of me and my parents, I looked like my mother. This was a lot to take in. My heart felt lighter in my chest, I finally knew where I came from. Even if it was all gone, I now had a solid, concrete past. I was beyond relieved I hadn't been unwanted, they loved me enough to give me up. I couldn't have asked for better parents but my heart also ached knowing I'd never meet the people would saved my life.
Keyan gently squeezed my hand "I met you. You were a day old, I don't even think that but you and I were betrothed." His voice was warm as he chuckled a little, "I was only 5. I couldn't believe it, we were made for each other. You were meant to come back, to come home." He suddenly growled, "shit" muttering he got up from the bed and began pacing up and down the bedroom. Something was wrong even though seconds ago we were both so happy and at peace. He came back over to me and kissed my head, "stay here. I have to go check something."
"Wait what's wrong," I called after him but he had already headed out the room.

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