Chapter 6

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Keyan held me in his arms as I slept for a few hours after my leg was re dressed by the doc. I'd learnt his name was Donald but everyone called him Doc, he was also very close to Keyan having mentored him after Keyan's father died when Keyan was only a child. He was Keyan's uncle too. After I woke up though Keyan explained he had to go to a pack meeting, usually as his Luna I was required to go but in my state he preferred I'd stay here where I was safe, but there seemed to be another reason he wasn't too keen on me going with him.
Keyan opened the door and smiled at me, stepping aside a little to let Donald past. The two of them then exchanged nods before Keyan gave me another small smile and left. It felt strange to want to rely on Keyan and those he trusted but here I was relying on all of Keyan's pack. None of what he'd told me made sense to me. I'd never seen how anyone ever could trust another living creature. I must have been lost in my own thoughts because I didn't notice Donald beside me poking a needle in to draw blood, that was until he started drawing the blood. Blinking I looked towards him knelt by the bed.
"You are either one of the best patients I've had or, you were lost in that mind of yours." He finished up placing cotton wool and medical tape on the back of my hand. He held my hand a while longer before standing up again. "It's a lot to take in, take your time. I don't think he'll be back very soon from this meeting." He packed up his medic bag "I'm just going to check to see if you're completely fit and health, besides the leg of course." He chuckled grasping the vile of blood in his hand. I watched as he headed towards the door but before he got there is swung open.
A girl walked in possibly a similar age to me, about 20. She smiled at Donald then at me, "hi I'm Katie." She stepped over to the end of the bed still smiling at me. "I'm Keyan Sister, he thought it might be nice if I kept you company while he's at that boring meeting." Sitting herself on the end of the bed in front of me, she pulled out two spoons and handed me one. "I have one question for you, what's your favourite ice cream flavour?"
"You girls have fun," Donald picked up his bag with the blood in hand "Don't eat too much ice cream. Keyan will not be happy if you empty the entire freezer." He left us leaving the door open.
Katie was still smiling at me "so ice cream? Oh by the way this is me attempting to get to know you." I don't really know why but I burst out laughing, ice cream just seemed such a normal thing after everything that had happened. She seemed to understand my hysterics and joined in with my laughter. "Okay seriously now," she said with a giggles sigh "what's your fav?"
"Uh," I tried to remember back to that day I was on the north east coast of England. The freezing rain splattered the ice cream parlour's window and, that was it "cookie dough."
She jumped up beaming "that's Keyan's favourite too. I wonder what else you two have in common." Skipping out of the room I really felt Katie would be someone I'd definitely come to rely on.

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