Chapter 22

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Keyan shook hands with elder Samual as he began explaining the situation. Elder Samual who insisted we just call him Sam was tall and slender, you could almost call him lanky. He had strange looking grey streaks in his hair and was clean shaven. Wearing a shabby suit he seemed as strange as the grey in his hair did. "Thank you for coming, we could really dow it's the help if you approve it."
Sam shook Keyan's hand hard "glad to be here, I knew Amy's parents. It's wonderful to see her now as a young woman." He smiled down at me, I didn't like that smile it was creepy. Something really was off about him but I pushed it to the back of my mind.
Keyan led him to the tiny cabin beside ours which I'd noticed that no one had gone inside, since we'd arrived here. "I hope this is alright for your stay," Keyan opened the door and stepped aside for Elder Samual.
He walked inside, briefly looked around and said "ah yes this will do nicely. I do think I won't be here too long anyway. I'm sure I'll make a decision as to wether help is sent." He was staring right at me past Keyan as he said it.
I shivered involuntarily then tugged Keyan's shirt, he turned to look down at me. "I'm gonna go have a sleep okay." I didn't want to be anywhere near elder Samual, he creeped me out. Keyan bent down and kissed my head before I headed back to our cabin, with a sinking feeling in my stomach. I was tired too so as soon as I was back inside I peeled off my coat hanging it up on the coat rack, and head up to the bedroom. Sitting on what was now my side of the bed I pulled off my boots and pushed them under the bed, before I slipped under the sheets and closed my eyes.

Wake up!
I sat up suddenly hearing a voice. Looking around the room I frowned confused as nobody was in the room, I was alone. Closing my eyes I lay back down and yawned.
Wake up!
This time when I sat up the sky outside was a deep crimson and the window's glass was smashed all over the floor. I climbed out of the bed and saw Keyan's body on the floor. Rushing to him ending on my knees beside him. I stifled a scream holding my hands over my mouth. My eyes went down his body to see a huge tear in his side.
Tears were streaming down my face silently when I get heat all around me. Flames licked the floor and walls around me threatening to burn my skin. Then in front of me he appeared, the flames lighting up his face. "You will be mine" he growled. I let out a screamed "NO!"

"Hey, hey Amy" Keyan's voice brought me back to reality and out of the nightmare. He was holding my upper arms having tried to shake me awake. "Hey it's okay it wasn't real, whatever was scaring you."
Bursting into tears I grabbed his shirt and buried my weeping face into it. "You....he....." through sobs I tried to explain.
Keyan pulled me into his arms and held me tightly against his chest. "It's okay. You're okay, I'm okay, we are all okay."

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