Chapter 26

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Back at the cabins Samual helped me inside, sitting me on the couch. Katie was on the front porch tending to a few wounded but most people had made it out of battle unscathed. Caleb walked inside pulling up a pair of tracksuit bottoms and socks, "I'll get the first aid kit." He disappeared into the kitchen re-emerging with a small black box. Handing it to Samual he said "there should be a cream that helps relieve wolfsbane." Samual quickly found it and applied it round my neck and wrists. The burning finally began to fade and I could sit comfortably.
Caleb walked to the front door and a howl echoed through the forest. "He's coming home," he then turned back to us. Samual stood up, his legs wobbled a little. Caleb stepped forward in case he needed to catch the elder "I can show you to a bed to rest elder Samual." Samual nodded and I watched as they both left.
Slowly I got up and headed up the stairs, every step was laboured. Finally reaching the top I stumbled to the bedroom stripping the dress off. I pushed through to the private bathroom and got under the shower. Managing to turn the water on I let it wash over me as I peeled off my bra. With my head down I watched the dirt and grime wash away down the drain. For a moment all that I could hear was the water running over me.
I heard the bedroom door open and then the bathroom door. Then I lifted my head to see Keyan, he had blood all over him. I burst out crying and he stepped in the shower with me holding me close. We stood pressed bare against each other till all the dirt and blood had washed away. Keyan then carried me out of the shower pulling a towel from the rail and wrapping me in it.
He sat naked on the bed with me in his lap, silent and calm. "I killed him," he breathed it my damp hair.
"He had the real elder Samual, he's my uncle" it was like we were giving each other updates on our lives. He squeezed me gently and sighed. I turned myself in his lap letting the towel fall off onto the floor. "I was so scared I needed you and there you were. I've never had anyone but now you are everything I need. I...." my heart seemed to skip a beat as our eyes locked. I was looking down at him as I was straddling him. Pressing my lips to his I closed my eyes as his hands reached over my entire back. I could feel heat rising between us as I gently held my own hands on the back of his head. His hair was so soft even though it was damp, I twisted my fingers in his hair as he pressed me tighter against him.
Suddenly he pulled back catching his breath "are you sure?"
It was obvious where this was going "yes I'm more than sure."
He picked me up giving me the towel to cover myself as he put me down on the bed. I watched him go to the dresser and open a drawer. When he came back to me he got down on one knee. "Then lets do this right." He opened a little velvet box, "I know it's not flashy but my mother gave it to me the day you were born, she made me promise that I'd give this to the woman who stole my heart."
"Wait what are you saying?" I was blushing.
"I'm saying I love you, so will you marry me?" He was grinning from ear to ear.

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