Chapter 16

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"No!" Katie yelled walking back and forth in the living room. "It's suicide, especially if you're right" Keyan had just told Katie and Caleb our idea about going to see where I was born, in hopes it would trigger my wolf. She leaned on the fire place "as your sister I'm telling you not to do this. If it's the same rogues we don't know what they'll do to Amy." She turned to me "tell him it's crazy."
I bit my lower lip then said "actually it's what I want to do."
"You do realise if he gets you and Keyan's right about the pack of them we won't be able to get you back easily." She sat beside me and took my hands in hers, "are you sure you want to do this?"
I nodded as Keyan squeezed on my shoulders, "I need to do this."
"It will be fine. The plan is to have some of the faster fighters camp on the edge of our territory closest to Amy's old pack's territory. That way if things go south I'll signal them." Keyan stepped back from us and looked out the window. "Caleb and I will gather them now."
Caleb, who had been sitting in an armchair not paying attention sprang you from the chair. With a mumbled "yes alpha" he followed Keyan out towards the other smaller cabins littering the clearing.
I stood up and went to the front door watching them walk together. "Katie, I need to get my wolf out."
She had walked up beside me "I know, she's a part of you and has kept herself hidden to protect you both. Just promise me you'll stick by those two no matter what."
We faced each other and gave one another a big hug as I whispered "I promise."
She then held me at arms length with a look of concern. "Just for the recorded though this is the dumbest thing you two have come up with so far." We both burst into laughter, leaning on one another before eventually shutting the front door. "Come on, I'll help you pack some essentials for this." She hooked her arm with mine and led me upstairs to the master bedroom.
Katie pulled out some warm clothes as I emptied my backpack. This was the first time I had really taken anything out and put my belongings in the drawers and wardrobe. I decided to empty my duffle bag too. As I hung up my tatty jacket in the wardrobe it dawned on me this was my home now, I actually had a home. Katie came beside me reaching out for a wool lined coat but stopped when she looked at me. "Hey what's wrong?"
I touched my cheeks realising I had tears running down them, "nothing. I'm happy," I chuckled "I'm beyond happy." She gave me a knowing look before giving my upper arm a squeeze. I wiped my eyes and closed the wardrobe after she'd taken the coat. I sat on the window seat while she finished up packing my bag and one for Keyan. She then left to pack Caleb a bag too. I stayed watching the world outside, knowing we were about to embark on something really dangerous.

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