Chapter 29

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Laminated photos of flowers surrounded me as Katie rattled on about each meaning, which was written on the back of each photo. I could barely concentrate after uncle Samual had told us more about why he was sure the council had lost their way. Keyan had tried to explain to me what the council was really all about but they didn't seem like nice people. He then told Katie to distract me with wedding preparations while he, Donald, Samual and Caleb began calling as many Alphas as they could.
Katie tapped me on the head with a photo of daisies before pursing her lips. She then put her hands on her hips letting go of the photo. "Hey come on this is supposed to be fun," she sat beside me on the floor. "I know you're worried but come on this will help, plus he basically wants you to have your dream wedding. We're not missing out letting the boys get on with the boring stuff." She picked up a selection of flowers "so what's your favourite?" She spread them out on the floor in front of us. Each one was so different to the other.
I picked up the roses and snowdrops, "maybe a mixture, like red and white scheme." She took the photos and pinned them up onto a large cork board that was hanging on the wall. So far we'd decided on flowers, a colour scheme and style of bridesmaid and flower girl dresses. "I think the dresses as red would be good, that way with the white wedding dress it'll be..." I rubbed my temples as my eyes welled with tears.
Katie sat down and hugged me tightly "hey what's wrong?"
"Nothing, I'm just really happy and I never thought I'd get this, any of this." She pulled me to standing then took me out on the porch. A few little ones were playing in the snow as older children kept an eye on them.
"Take a deep breath," I did as I was told. "See this is your family, I know hard to believe but it is. Keyan can't wait to marry you, honestly he kept asking me wether it was the right time or not to ask. He's a romantic at heart," she brought me back into the warmth and in front of the board. "Now dry those eyes before Bri gets here with the dresses for you and only when we've found the perfect one are you allowed to cry again." I bumped into her and the two of us burst into giggles. "That's more like it, now before the dress let's look at that list of cake our resident baker sent." We sat back on the floor and picked up identical cake and dessert lists. "Personally I'd prefer a old fashioned vanilla," she mumbled practically licking her lips.
So many choices, I thought. "What would Keyan like?" I asked wanting this to be as much about him as it was me.
"Ooh he loves red velvet, always has and he'd probably choose strawberry cheesecake for the separate dessert and chocolate brownie. Why?"
"Then that's what we'll have." My cheeks were heating up a little "Katie can I confess something?"
"Yeah of course you can," she looked up at me from the menu.
"I've never really had dessert stuff, thought it was luxury I could do without. Sweetest thing I've ever had is a doughnut." I started to laugh, "is that weird?"
She placed a hand on my shoulder "no it's not. We should have doughnuts though, Danny the baker makes amazing doughnuts."
The rest of the day ended up being really fun and when we found the perfect dress both Katie and I cried. It was laced long sleeved, a beautiful ball gown fit for a princess. I loved it and I hoped Keyan loved it too. After some slight adjustments it was ready so was zipped up in a bag and taken to be stored away from prying eyes till the big day.

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