Chapter 3

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It's true what they say about the Scottish weather. Rain lashed over me waking me from my nap. Turns out I'd slept all afternoon, the sun had long set leaving me in the darkness of the trees. I scooped up my camera returning to my backpack and stuffing it inside. Pulling out my waterproof I slipped it on over my already soaked clothes. Leaning against a tree I dig inside my bag for a torch to help me through the night.
The forest was no longer beautiful it was terrifyingly sinister. The bitch blackness around me felt like it swallowed any and all light. A dark feeling had also come over me that was unmistakable, I'd felt that once before. Someone was watching me. Trying to ignore it and made my way round the edge of the clearing to the river. There eyes I could feel burning the image of my soaked body into their memory. I quickly slung my bag over my shoulder and started following the river back to the village. Slowly I moved trying to go fast enough to get away but not too fast that the someone following wouldn't notice I'd noticed.
"Found you," the growl of that voice forever ingrained in my mind made me start running. I didn't get far and there he was in front of me that man with hungry eyes. The eager grin, and I knew very well what he was eager for. I turned and ran. My legs aches from the freezing rain but I knew I couldn't stop. I knew he was chasing me but I dare not look back. Running as fast as I could deep into the forest lost, afraid and blinded with deep fear.
Suddenly a heavy body landed on me, a furry body. A jaw full of sharp teeth tore at my shirt throwing me around then into a large tree trunk. My eyes adjusted and I saw a large brown wolf with a deep gash down it's left cheek. Its eyes, that's his eyes, I shook my head thinking they couldn't be one of the same. Suddenly it's large paws pounced on my stomach. Instantly I felt the need to hurl but as it reared back on its hind legs, I lifted my leg which it caught in it's huge jaws tearing through my skin. I screamed kicking it in the face with my other leg. It backed off whimpering a little, rubbing it's cheek with its paw. I desperately crawled away dragging my torn leg. Eventually regaining my feet, but with a limp. Staggering through the trees I tripped over roots the pain was deep the fear deeper. That thing was going to kill me and that man was out here too.

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