Chapter 7

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"Okay okay so you've been like everywhere and never ever like kissed a guy?" I shook my head. I didn't know how we'd ended up talking about all the places I'd been.
"I guess it never was something I wanted to do, I observed the world. Took photos," I pointed to my camera sticking out of the top of my backpack. "It's how I've made money, means I don't have to stay in one place too long."Katie's smile disappeared for a second before shoving another spoonful of mint choc chip in her mouth. I too scooped another spoonful of the cookie dough but stopped short of my lips. My eyes were on the backpack, I could feel my mind slipping.
I heard Katie's muffled voice "Amy?" But I couldn't seemed to snap out of it. I felt he hand, cold from the ice cream tub on my hand. My spoon clattered on the floor, seconds later the door opened and I snapped out of the trance. Keyan was stood in the doorway a furious look across his face, his eyes connected with mine changing to a soft smile. He walked over to us as Katie scrambled gathering the tubs and spoons. "Keyan she," Katie said at the end of the bed.
Keyan raised a hand "I felt it, its my fault." He was knelt beside the bed before I even realised.
Katie hovered by the bed edging towards the door, "so what did they say?"
I felt Keyan tense up from her question, I imagined if it had been anyone else he might have told them to just leave. Instead he took a deep breath, stood up and turned to his sister. "The elders have said we need to deal with this on our own, even though a human is involved." He threw his fist straight through the wall creating a dent in the wood panelling. I jumped out of my skin in shock staring at the crater he'd made. "I'm sorry, Katie pack your things we're moving early." Katie nodded and slipped out of the room with the ice cream in hand. I dare not speak as I could feel the anger radiating off him as though it was filling the room, threatening to force all the air out. He suddenly spun round facing me "I'm sorry, look" he sat beside me and pulled my body towards himself. The way he held me was protectively his knees bent up around me and his arms round my waist loosely. "I'd contacted the wolf council of elders when I brought you back here, they oversee pack disputes and rogue problems." I felt him sigh as his breath caused my hair to flutter and a strand fell over my eyes. Although his body was tense his hands on my stomach were gentle and soft. "I was hoping they'd send someone to identify the rogue that has been stalking you, they said no. They won't send help." Clearly it wasn't what he'd wanted to hear from these elder people. "I am going to send you with Katie and my Beta to our pack's winter cabin. It's further into our pack's territory and on the side of the mountains. You'll be safe up there," I removed his hands off my stomach.

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