Chapter 5

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Keyan had been gone for hours leaving me alone in his bed unable to leave myself with my leg wrapped tightly in bandages. He'd promised he wouldn't be gone for long but it had already been too long after the first half an hour. It was weird wanting someone close to me, feeling I could trust someone. I'd just met him and I knew that this was insane, the whole werewolf thing itself was crazy and that wasn't even mentioning how infuriating he was already.
I groaned loudly in frustration then threw one of the pillows towards the door, it didn't even make it past the end of the bed. That made me groan again as the door opened. My eyes widened and I smiled as Keyan stepped inside with my back pack and my duffle-bag. Quickly I wiped the smile off my face still annoyed by his earlier behaviour.
He placed the duffle-bag down at the end of the bed then brought my back pack to me, sitting beside me in the bed. "I'm sorry I was gone so long, I found your bag and went for your things. We can get you some dresses so you can at least put some clothes on soon." He slipped his hand in mine looking at my leg, "I should have tore his leg off for what he did."
I squeezed his hand gently "my leg will heal, it's not the worse thing that monster has done to me." I shuddered remembering that voice ringing in my ears as it'd had stalked me through the forest.
"What did he do to you?" I could feel the rage radiating off him. "I'll hunt him down myself," I pulled Keyan's hand to my chest. This seemed to focus him back on me and calm him. "I'm sorry you can show me what he did, if you want to. I don't want you to have this burden alone, you are mine therefore I should help you."
"How can I show you?" I questioned looking into those eyes of his. He didn't speak just smiled softly and put his hands gently on the sides of my head.
"All you have to do is think about it, then I'll see what he did. I want to help you," he wasn't begging it was more like he wanted to take the pain and fear away. He wanted to protect me from the past as well as the present. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes letting the horrifying memory play in my head.

I was back in Glasgow, I recognised the alleyway as my footsteps echoed. I thought I was alone. The rain dripped down from the edges of the roofs. I pulled my coat closer just before the hands went round my waist and shoved me hard against the brick wall. I let out a scream.....

"Amy," Keyan shook me gently. My cheeks were drenched with tears and I was shaking, my torn leg was bleeding again through the bandages. "You're okay you're safe," he gently wiped my cheeks then went to the door. Shouting out into the hallway "doc!" It was an angry yell making me shrink in the bed. He turned back to me and returned to the bed, "I'm not angry with you. I shouldn't have made you show me that," he held my hands gently.
"I want to show you, I need you to know what happened...I" My head had started to pound hard and I felt a little sick.
A man came in with a box and knelt beside the bed slowly removing the bandages. I flinched and Keyan responded with a growl.
"Don't growl at me," the man grumbled. His hair was thick but grey almost silvery in colour as was the stubble on his chin. "Don't let this boy push you around young lady," the man smiled at me.
"Doc please just help her," Keyan said with a tone of genuine apology.
"I will," Doc gave Keyan that kind of look of understanding.

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