Chapter 27

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Sitting beside Keyan's sleeping body I admired the ring he'd proposed with last night. It was the emblem of his family and pack, a blue crescent moon. I loved it mostly because Keyan had given it to me. Our first time together was perfect, despite the earlier events. I was beyond happy, the future looked so bright.
"Good morning my Luna," Keyan draped an arm over my lap over the sheets. He was smiling softly up at me "you still like it?"
I shuffled under the sheets closer to him "I love it, but more importantly I love you." I kissed his nose then lay my head on his chest. He trailed his hand down my bare hip giving me butterflies in my stomach.
"We should get up," Keyan mumbled a little while later. His hand was cupping my hip holding my body against him, "I don't want to but we should." I pushed myself up and climbed out of the bed as he put his hands behind his head grinning.
I looked down at him with my hands on my hips, "what are you looking at?" I was full on blushing.
In response he purred "me? Well I'm looking at a beautiful woman." He climbed up out of the bed too, "would that beautiful woman care to join me for a shower?" I nodded giggling so he came round the bed and picked me up pressing our chests against each other. He carried me into the bathroom and switched the shower on. Stepping under the water he placed me gently down then started to spread shower gel on my shoulders rubbing smoothly in little circles.
Once we were dressed, I was in a flowing wool lined dress and Keyan was in a loose shirt and jeans. He kept saying he wanted me warm and was worried id get cold. As we walked down the stairs we hear chatter out on the front porch. Finally reaching the front door we could see most of the pack gathered outside in their wool hats and coats. Kids were playing in the snow, building snowmen and throwing snowballs. Most of the adults were chatting amongst themselves. I felt a deep joy of pride watching the pack that I could now call my family.
Katie ran over to us snatching up my left hand, looking at Keyan she laughed, "finally."
"What do you mean finally? She's only been with us a week." Keyan said taking my hand gently off Katie. He held it entwining his fingers with mine. "Look let's just enjoy this moment of calm okay."
"Okay," she turned to me "by the way our uncles seem to be reminiscing next door." She motioned towards the cabin beside ours. I looked to the cabin realising including our talk chained, I'd not got time to talk with my uncle and for all I knew he'd be leaving soon to go back to the council.
Keyan leaned down to my ear "come on, you can have some proper time with him." He led me over to the cabin past pack members who cheerfully said a good morning to us as we past.
The door was open a little and I could smell the distinctive scent of logs burning in the fireplace. I let go of Keyan's hand and walked inside into the warmth. Uncle Samual and Donald stood up, both gave a little nod as Keyan stepped inside behind me.

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