The Mall (Ch6)

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I wake up to Noi poking my face, "Noi... Stop..." I groan looking away from him. "Y/n, get up!" He complains. I grumble at him and flick my hand in his face, pushing him away. "Get up before-" Noi goes to say something but is cut off by someone picking me up.

I feel myself being picked up and harshly dropped on the floor, "Gah!" I wince as I hit the floor, confused and angered by this action I look to see who's throat I have to rip out. Asch.

"There, now thing is awake," He says before walking off. I glare at him as I stand up and dust myself off. I go to punch him in the face but Noi grabs my arm, shaking his head at me and I groan, knowing that it's not worth it.

"What's the plan?" I ask looking at Rhys. He goes to speak but Asch cuts him off, "You would know if you woke up earlier. Speaking of which, Leif wake the human so we can ask her about the plan." Calm down Y/n... Punching him will only make it worse... Breathe...

Leif nods and goes to wake the human. A few seconds after he enters the room the human screams, "I was only kidding!" As she runs out of the room, fear on her face.

"Leif! Did you threaten her?!" I yell at him and he rolls his eyes. "No..." he says sarcastically. I groan and pull him away from the room. The human enters the room and comes back out again in different clothing.

"Human, we have a plan we need assistance with." Rhys begins and the human nods for him to continue, "We need to become familiar with this world, can you help assimilate us to it." He says respectfully and she laughs at him?

"She mocks us?" Leif questions, "No no! It's just you said ass." She laughs and I chuckle a bit too but it's not noticeable. I'm starting to like this human. She's weird. Kinda like me.

"Asch, perhaps you can explain." Rhys says looking at Asch, Asch groans and sits up to face the human, "fine, teach us your human ways. Now." He demands and Rhys glares at him. Asch should be more polite, the human does have the upper hand here.

"If I do that, will you guys leave?" She asks and we nod. "Faster then you can imagine," Asch reassures her and she seems happy about this. I'm honestly indifferent.

"Really?" She asks, not believing that we would actually leave. "Really," Asch replies. And the rest of us all nod again.

"Look, when I woke up I was kinda hoping you guys would have robbed me and left by now. I wasn't expecting you guys to stay." I look at the human oddly. "Why would you hope for that?" I ask, when I thought she was odd I didn't realise she was odd enough to hope for such a thing.

"Because losing a few hundred dollars isn't as bad as dealing with the stress of- nevermind. Y'all real about this human thing huh?" She asks and Asch growls, "Assimilate us. Now." He demands.

"A sorceress like myself. It'll be hard to teach you the ways, but first, off I need to use my power to conjure you up some human clothing." She explains confidently. I think she likes being able to help us, maybe it makes her feel powerful? I don't know. It's hard to read her right now.

Humans are very difficult to read, for us Daemos our "emotions" are very readable, you're either happy, angry, sad, indifferent or murderous. Not a many others and not really any in-betweeners. These humans are like a huge spectrum of emotions and it's a huge culture shock honestly.

"Is what we are wearing right now not suitable?" Rhys asks and the human thinks for a bit, "Y-yeah that's because I cast a spell that attracts other demons from around the world to one place. It's called a convention spell." She explains and I look at her in awe.

"You're a summoner? And can conjure demons?! Cool!" I say, showing my impressed attitude towards the human. Is she really that powerful? She looks so harmless.

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