Human Clothes (Ch8)

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It's been a full twenty-four hours. I'm bored and can't figure out what to do about the clothes. Or who's is who's. "You know what! I'm just gonna grab these as they look like they'd fit me and I'm gonna put them on. I'll be in the other room." I say grabbing a few of the items and going into the room.

I look at them confused but, humans and Daemos have similar anatomy and body types. I know this for certain. These clothes should work in a similar way. I place them on the floor spread out, studying them intently. They look like Daemos clothes just different. I'll just put them on in a similar way.

I take off my clothing placing them neatly on the floor before grabbing the human clothes and putting them on. The pants and jacket fit well but the shirt doesn't, it only goes halfway so it doesn't cover my stomach. I'll ask Ava about it.

The shirt is f/c, while the pants, jacket and boots are black. I leave the room and see the others fazing through the wall, curious, I follow.

"What are you looking at-" I turn to see the human in water with no clothing. "What is she doing?" I ask confused. She's just sitting there, her face is red and is becoming redder by the second, seeming embarrassed again.

"Get out!" She yells at us and Asch retaliates, "why don't you make us?"

"I would kill you if I could but right now I can't!" She yells back. Why can't she? Does the water disarm her? If so why is she sitting in it?

"If she starts to kill I'm going for her!" Leif yells like the kill-happy weirdo he is. "She can't move Leif." I state in a 'why are you like this?' tone of voice.

"That'll make this even more fun!" He says excitedly. He is never out of kill mode.

"Guys I'm now positive I did the clothes wrong." I turn to Noi who has put the pants on his head and I crack up laughing at the sight while pointing at him. How can a grown man be so moronic?

"You're so stupid!" I say through my laughter. He takes off the pants and glares at me then realises I am wearing the human clothes.

Shock covers his face as he looks at me in both amazement and disbelief, "How did you put them on?!" He exclaims and the others look at me astounded. "I used my brain genius." I state sassily. Before looking towards the human again.

"If you don't get out I'll-" She goes to yell at us again but Asch cuts her off, "You'll what? You haven't done anything but throw idle threats our way."

"So have you!" Ava rebuttals and Asch makes a fireball appear in his hand. "How dare you I'll-" Asch goes to attack her but she moves the water at his hand causing the fire to go out.

"She knows disarming spells! Run!" I yell running out the door, the others following quickly.

She comes out of the room in a robe looking thing, seeming pretty angry. "Okay if I'm going to be your prisoner we need to lay down some ground rules." She states and I chuckle at the irony.

"As a prisoner, you don't get to make rules." Asch demands and Ava glares at him, "who's the powerful sorcerer? That's right. Me." She exclaims and I decide to correct her, "sorceress." I say matter-of-factly.

She starts saying nonsense to herself and seems rather flustered. I think the whole her sitting in water situation had caused her to become unhinged slightly. "Why are you guys coming through my walls?" She asks annoyed.

"Once our home is linked to a surface, we can enter at any place at will within close proximity," Rhys explains.

"So you guys can come into anywhere in my apartment at any time?" She asks, "That is correct. Good to know you can use your brain." I respond and she glares at me. Did I say something wrong? I was just making an observation. Oh, wait... Yeah, to be fair I sounded like I was being a smartass.

"Alright. I can fix that then." She says going into her room and coming out with a red thing in her hands. "This is my magic spell wand called, 'Cray-Ol-La'," She explains while drawing a large rectangle on the wall, "once I mark this door you're bound to only use this spot to enter and exit. If you don't use this spot, you'll die." She says as she finishes drawing the door.

"What?!" Asch exclaims and I look at her shocked, that would be a very difficult spell to cast on Daemos. I turn to the others to see the same expressions on their faces, well except Leif. Leif seems happy. "Now we're talking." He says happily and I roll my eyes.

"No!" Noi yells and Rhys looks to Ava, "You can't can't do that!" He exclaims and honestly, I thought that too. There's no way she's that powerful.

"I just did!" She rebuttals, we really must have annoyed her... "Now the next thing. Stop calling me human sorcerer, I've only noticed y/n actually calling me by my name." She says calming down.

"Well Ava, I'm glad you know my name too. But do you know theirs?" I ask looking towards the guys. Her eyes go wide and I laugh, "It's okay, but if you want them to call you Ava you should really learn their names too. The orange-haired dude there is my little brother Noi, the tall guy with brown hair is Peirce, kill-happy here is Leif, Blue dude there in front of you is Rhys and the royal pain is Asch." I say pointing to each of them consecutively.

Asch growls at me, "And you're the reject who needs to watch their mouth!" He yells and I growl at him, "Who are you calling a reject..." My tone is threatening and low, Noi instantly grabs my arm and holds me back.

"You are the reject are you not? The one people ignore, underestimate, disrespect-" Asch starts and I charge at him, "SHUT UP OR I'LL RIP OUT YOUR VOICE BOX!"

"YOU DARE THREATEN ME?!" He shouts and by this point, my daggers are by his throat. He shoves me into the wall, but I instantly regain my posture and go to fight back, but he pins me to the wall.

"I. Said. Watch. Your. Tongue." He demands and I laugh sourly, "Make me bi-" Rhys pulls Asch off of me and stands between us, "THAT'S ENOUGH!" Rhys demands and Asch and I death glare each other.

"Okay..." Ava starts, clearly trying to change the conversation. "Now we need to talk about personal space-" I hear a bell ring and Ava looks in the direction of the main door. "Right after I answer the door. You guys in the meantime put these clothes on."

They all look at me and I smirk, "you boys need to use your brain and figure it out. It's simple once you realise it." I say confidently.

They groan at me, "Y/n! Just tell us!" Noi whines and I laugh, "Nope!"

"Prisoner! Y/n won't teach us how human clothes work!" Asch complains, walking over to Ava.

"Asch! Go back to the living room!" Ava yells and I go assist her, only for Asch to actually listen to her and come away from the front door. Straight to me.

"Teach us!" Asch demands and I scoff, "Figure. It. Out." I retaliate and Asch growls at me. He walks over to me, shoves me into a wall. Again. This time though my head smashes it dully and the wall cracks. "You piece of sh-" I go to attack back, but Ava yells worriedly "Y/n?! What happened?!" Ava asks and I groan.

"Those idiots can't figure out how to put clothes on so when I told Asch to figure it out himself he got angry and pushed me into a wall. Again," I say getting up and dusting myself off.

Then Rhys comes up to us excitedly, "Y/n! Ava! Look I figured out how to put clothes on!" he says happily and I high five him, "I said you could figure it out!"

"No one saw them do it and they won't tell us!" Pierce complains.

"That's because it's a test from her and we both passed! Now you idiots need to figure it out!" I exclaim at them.

"Shut up y/n or I'll throw you out the building!" Asch retaliates. "I. Said. Make me!" I retaliate, "Fine. If you won't shut up, tell us how to put the clothes on!" Ash demands as I simply ignore him. Today is gonna be a long day.

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