Dads? (Ch17)

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I look see to older looking men run into the room and look at Ava in shock.

"Who are-" I go to ask who they are, but Ava cuts me off looking towards the two men, "Dad! Pop! This isn't what it looks like!" Ava yells and I just look at everyone confused.

Dad? Pop? So one is her father, but why is the other called Pop?

"I told you!" The man with blonde hair and blue eyes yells to the other man, while the other man with grey hair and green eyes just throws the camera.

The blonde-haired man pulls Ava into a protective hug, "Get away from our baby!" The grey-haired man yells. Wait... Our baby?

"You demons! She's our sweet innocent baby girl! Don't you have a sense of moral responsibility!" The blonde man yells at the guys and I look at them confused. She's their baby girl, both of them... But they're both men... How is that possible? Can humans of the same gender have children here? Interesting. I'll have to ask Ava.

They seem like good fathers though, with the way their body language is they're very protective of Ava. It's sweet, to say the least.

But Ava seems to be panicking, whatever has caused this sudden panic I am uncertain. I which I knew though so I could help defuse the situation at hand.

"I'm calling the police." The grey-haired man says taking out his phone, "Dad, Pop please let me explain!" Ava begs and the blonde man releases her from his embrace and holds her arms looking at her face with worry.

"Ava you don't have to resort to this! We're your parents we'll help you through anything! If you needed money all you had to do was ask!" The blonde man says concern laced in his voice, what are they talking about?

"It's not like that Pop I-" Ava goes to try and defuse the situation but Asch decides to be a massive idiot! "Let my prisoner go or I'll-" Asch creates a ball of fire in his hand.

"ASCH!" I yell at him and he turns his gaze towards me, "Do not threaten Ava's parents you idiotic fool! Ava is a powerful sorceress imagine how powerful her parents are!" I scold him for his stupidity and he walks towards me.

"You dare insult me! Know your place y/n!" Asch growls, I go to yell back but Ava cuts me off by yelling at Leif, "Leif knock us out!" She yells and he does as he's told. He knocks out Ava's parents as well as Ava.

"Why did you knock out the prisoner?!" Asch says looking towards Leif. "She said us!" Leif snaps back.

What the heck is happening right now? "Perhaps she misspoke. She looked rather petrified." Rhys explains and Asch groans, "You better not have killed her! That's my job!"

"I didn't! I wouldn't do that sloppy of a job! Besides I can just use my magic to wake her." Leif says as he knees down to wake up Ava.

Ava wakes up coughing and confused, "You knocked me out too?!" She yells looking at Leif. That's when the realisation of the situation hits her and she looks petrified once again, "My parents are actually here!" She yells as she looks at them both on the floor.

"Quick! Help me get them outside the door!" She demands, panicking. We pick up her fathers and place them outside the door, Ava shuts the doors and walks back over to us.

"GO! If my parents see you they'll kill you! They're way too powerful and you've angered them! Go!" Ava yells at us and we bolt for our room.

I go in but notice Noi doesn't come too, ugh the moron! "Noi!" I yell running back out, ignoring the others telling me to stay hidden.

I see Noi behind the couch hiding with the camera, "Noi you imbecile! What are you doing?!" I whisper yell at him and he looks at me worried.

"I wanted to fix the camera!" I groan at his stupidity, quickly I duck behind the couch and hide our horns with my magic. Please don't kill us Ava's fathers!

I hear talking and Ava walking in with her fathers. I stay hidden but Noi sits up looking towards Ava, "Ava... I broke the camera." He says fear in his voice.

"Noi, you moron! Now they've seen you!" I whisper yell to him and he just walks up to Ava, "Noi!" I call out for him but he doesn't listen. Ugh! Now I got to go help his moronic self!

I get up too and walk over to them, "Who are you two?" They ask, anger planted on their faces.

I cough gaining my composure and smile, "Hi! I'm y/n! Ava's friend. This is my little brother Noi." I say looking towards him and signalling him to say hi.

"Hey! I'm Noi... Ava's boyfriend." He nervously. I facepalm. He is unbelievably stupid.

"I-I I'm sorry, her what?" The grey-haired man asks, shock on his face.

The blonde man gasps, "My baby has a-" He walks over to Noi "Pumpkin, why didn't you tell us sooner?" The grey-haired man askes and I look at them slightly confused. They're okay with it? Phew... I didn't want to die today.

The blonde-haired man starts rumbling and the grey-haired man seems to get annoyed by this but tries not to show it. "You're oversharing again dear." The grey-haired man states and I chuckle. They're a cute couple. I've never seen two people of the same gender together before, although it has happened in Daemos and it is accepted, it's rare.

If I'm going, to be honest... I feel like Noi and Leif might be one of those couples and don't know it yet. As I've said before I'm good at reading emotions when they're sincere and they seem to be more "friendly" to each other than others. Just saying.

"Yes he is my boyfriend," Ava says sighing and I look at her rather confused. Why would she lie to her parents?

"Well, when were you going to introduce us? The names Andrew! Nice to meet you!" The grey-haired man says holding out his hand, "And I'm Devin, we're Ava's parents." The blonde one says doing the same.

I nudge Noi "Shake his hand." I whisper in his ear, but he ignores me and instead questions Ava's parents, "You both?" He asks and I punch Noi in the shoulder.

"Hey!" He complains at me and I glare at him, "Don't be rude." I scowl and he just looks at me confused.

"Sorry, he can be a little blunt." I say apologizing awkwardly to Ava parents, "Is there a problem with two Dads?" Andrew questions and I feel my face go red.

"No! No! Not at all! In fact, I think it's great! I mean no wonder Ava is so strong!" I say awkwardly and their eyes light up.

"Darling Ava's friend thinks we raised a strong baby!" Devin says proudly, "Well looks like my husbands taking a liking to you." Andrew smiles at me and I smile brightly.

"I'm glad!" I chirp at them both. They are soo cute!!!

"Hey, why don't we all go out for pizza?" Andrew suggests and Ava sweat drops, "I-I... Uhh..."

"Come on pumpkin! We'll go to your favourite pizza place, on us~." Andrew sings the last part of his sentence and Ava's eyes light up like a light. I guess we're going to get whatever this pizza is, but maybe I shouldn't. The others need to be watched and I'm sure Ava can control Noi.

"I won't go if that's okay with you guys, I think it's best I stay here and watch over everything," I say cheerfully and Andrew nods.

"Fair enough, come on Ava! Let's go get pizza." Devin cheers, Ava has some nice dads. My dad was definitely nothing like them.

"I'll just go freshen up," Ava says as her dads go to wait outside. This may not go down well with the guys.

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