Ch. 2 Everything is going to be alright

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" Eddie!" Ben smiles when he sees his childhood best friend standing in front of him. " I'm glad you could make it," Ben lets go of Eddie, and he escorts him into his bedroom. " Lumiere brought our breakfast, so if you are hungry. You can eat," Ben tells Eddie as they walked up to the table in Ben's room. 

Eddie smiles when he sees the food on the table. Eddie then sits down as he turns to look at Ben, and he thanks him for the meal. 

" I told Mom you were coming so she made sure that the new cooks did not put peanuts in your waffles since you are allergic to peanuts," Ben tells Eddie. 

Eddie nods his head as he grabs his fork, and he begins to eat his food. 

" Yeah. The last time I ate peanuts, I almost died," Eddie tells Ben as he grabs a glass of orange juice, and he drinks it. " So, what is it that you wanted to tell me?" Eddie turns his head slightly to look at Ben, who is walking towards his closet to get his clothes since he is still wearing his pajamas.

" You know how my coronation is coming up, right?" Ben tells Eddie while opening his closet, and he pulls out the clothes that he is going to wear for the day. 

" Yeah. I remember. I can't believe my Bennyboi is finally going to be King of Auradon," Eddie smiles at Ben. 

" You are almost going to be King of Auroria as well," Ben smiles as he takes his pajamas off, and puts on formal attire. 

Eddie takes another bite of his waffles as he nods his head. Eddie then grabs a napkin as he wipes his mouth with it. 

" True, but Audrey isn't too keen on me being King of Auroria," Eddie tells Ben. 

Ben fixed his tie as he turns around to look at Eddie. 

" What do you mean?" Ben asked Eddie. " Audrey told me that she is excited about her big brother becoming King of Auroria," Ben tells Eddie as he walks up to Eddie, and he looks at him in the eyes. 

Eddie silently stares at Ben. 

' Figures, Audrey will be okay with me being King of Auroria if Ben is the one that asked her about it,' Eddie tells himself. 

" I always thought that Audrey would become Queen of Auroria even though I am older than her by a few minutes," Eddie tells Ben. 

Ben looks at Eddie with a worried expression. 

" You haven't told your parents about you being bi?" Ben softly asked Eddie. 

Eddie shakes his head as he grabs the glass of orange juice, and he takes a sip of it. Eddie then puts it down as his finger lightly rubs the glass. 

" No. I haven't told my parents about my sexuality. If I told them I know in my heart that my folks wouldn't want me to become King of Auroria since it is unheard of, having two male Kings rule a kingdom," Eddie softly tells Ben. 

Ben can tell that Eddie's sexuality is a sensitive topic. 

" Only you and Lonnie know about me being bi," Eddie tells Ben. 

Ben gently pats Eddie's back, feeling terrible for making his childhood best friend feel awkward. 

" Sorry, Eddie for making you feel awkward," Ben apologizes. 

" It's okay," Eddie smiles at Ben. " Since you are becoming King of Auradon. I have a feeling that you want to proclaim something," Eddie immediately changes the subject. 

" Yeah. Before I tell my Mom and Dad, I wanted to know what you think about this idea," Ben smiles at Eddie. 

" What is it?" Eddie curiously asked Ben. 

" I want the children of the villains to have the opportunity to live at Auradon," Ben tells Eddie. " These children grew up in the Isle of the Lost because of what their parents did to ours in the past. I find it unfair for them, so I want to start bringing some of their children to Auradon," Ben explains to Eddie. 

Eddie smiles at Ben. 

" Ben. You know me. I like your idea because I agree that the villain's children deserve to live at Auradon. The only thing I am afraid of is the villain's children getting hurt because I know in my heart that the people of Auradon would not approve of them in our land," Eddie tells Ben. 

" I know that is why I decided to bring only four children to Auradon," Ben tells Eddie. 

" I see. You are starting small so that you could see if your idea could work. That's good," Eddie nods his head. " Knowing your Mom, she would be okay with your idea. It is only your Dad that you need to convince since you know he has a temper," Eddie tells Ben as he finished eating his breakfast. 

" Can you come with me?" Ben asked Eddie. " I'll feel much better with you and Mom being in the same room as me that way, Dad could be okay with my idea," Ben smiles at Eddie. 

Eddie smiles back at Ben as he stands up to wrap his right arm around Ben's shoulders. 

" Of course! You are my best friend. I would always have your back," Eddie happily tells Ben. 

Ben sighs in relief, feeling glad to have Eddie in his life. 

" Alright. Let's go. Lumiere told me that Mom and Dad are in the library," Ben tells Eddie, and both boys walked out of Ben's bedroom as they head to the library, which is a five-minute walk. 

Five minutes later, Eddie and Ben stood outside of the library. Eddie was about to enter the room, but he stops himself when he feels his arm getting squeezed. Eddie turns his head to the left, and he sees Ben looking at Queen Belle and King Beast with a worried expression. Eddie can tell that his childhood best friend is scared to say to his parents about his first proclamation as King of Auradon. 

" Hey," Eddie smiles at Ben, which causes Ben to look at him. " Everything is going to be alright. I know you're scared, but your parents are going to be okay with your idea since I know in my heart that they will see you as a Kind-hearted yet wise King," Eddie continues to smile at Ben. 

Ben smiles back at Eddie as he begins to relax. Ben lets go of Eddie as he turns to look at Queen Belle and King Beast.

Ben slowly enters the library as he walks towards his parents. Eddie quietly followed behind Ben since he promised his childhood best friend that he is going to be there for him. Eddie hears Ben call out to Queen Belle and King Beast, which causes them to look at the two boys. Eddie smiles, feeling confident that Ben's dream of the villain's children getting a second chance would come true. 

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