Chapter Five-Misunderstanding

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I wake up to find myself in a bathtub with the curtain Enclosing it, with my wrists handcuffed to the metal bar in it. I try to speak but my mouth is duct taped. I go to try to scream when I hear voices in the room next to me. I listen and I hear the smooth voice of the man who brought me here but there is another voice I don't recognize. I can't make out everything they are saying but I hear them get closer to the bathroom and I make out a sentence that scares me.

Unknown man: "Well she's blonde, bullet wound in her shoulder, and was wearing dark blue jeans and a red shirt."

I hear some more voices and then I hear the door close in the other room. I hear some footsteps then the door to the bathroom opens and hear the person enter the room. The lights turn on and then the curtain flys open. My eyes have to adjust to the light but when they do I see the man who brought me here standing there. He sits down on the lid of the toilet seat and puts his head into his hands. As I look at him, he has no armor or guns and just a black t-shirt and camouflage cargo pants. He looks up at me and pulls a medium sized knife out of one of his pants pockets.

My heart starts to pound but I calm myself down knowing that if he didn't want me alive he would have given me up to the guy who was here. He stands up and sits on the side of the bathtub.

He holds the knife closer to me and says "when I take that tape off, don't say a word."

"If you speak without being spoken to I will put this knife right into your leg without a thought."

"If you understand nod your head."

I do as he says, and when I look into his eyes I can see the blue in his eyes almost gone but barely there.

He rips the tape off of my mouth and says "what's your name?"

I take a deep breath and I say "Rose."

As soon as the words leave my mouth I feel his fist slam into my face. My head slams into the side of the tub and my head starts to hurt.

I look back up at him and he says "Don't lie to me, you have one more chance."

I feel my body start to slightly shake and a small amount of blood comes from my mouth.

He then says "what is your name?"

I say "Rebecca."

He says in a slightly more aggressive voice, "what is your full name?"

I start to get fed up with him and I say "It's Rebecca, now can we stop playing games."

He then mocks me by making a buzzing noise then says "Wrong Answer."

He then stabs the knife into my right leg right above my knee. I am about to yell out in pain when he shoves a cloth into my mouth to muffle the screams. He pulls another knife from his pocket then stares at me.

Once he knows I am done screaming he takes the gag back out and says "What's your full name?"

I mumble out "Rebecca Winters."

He then asks "Who was the man you were with before you arrived here?" 

"James, his name was James" I muttered out.

He then moved the knife in a circle as if to say keep going.

I said loudly and clearly "I don't know anything else."

He then moved the knife towards me and I cried out "I don't know, I don't know."

"He saved me at the car crash from Carl and his brothers then they took us to the hospital and we escaped."

"We drove to the bridge were...." I could only think of our kiss and James yelling for me.

The man snaps me out of it by yelling back "We drove to the bridge were what?"

I started to cry and I managed to say "He kissed me, then the mercenaries took me captive and he was taken on the other side of the bridge."

After I said that I started to cry and shake heavily and my headache worsened again. The man then stood up and put duct tape back over my mouth.

Just as he was about to leave he turned around and said "one more thing, you have a bullet wound in your shoulder don't you."

I just stared down at the ground and awaited whatever pain came my way. He then walked over to me and pulled the side of my shirt so he could see where I got shot. He saw it then mumbled something and stormed out. I was done at this point so I put my head back and let myself drift off into unconsciousness.

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