Chapter Seven-Good People

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I start to roll around as I'm waking up. My right leg is killing me and I don't see Aaron anywhere. I start trying to get the cuffs of when the door flys open. Aaron comes rushing in and runs over to the balcony.

He opens the glass door and is doing something on the balcony. I hear the door behind me close and I freeze and start shaking in fear of who followed him.

Aaron turns around then looks at me with a small smile. I see the figure come into my line of sight and if I wasn't cuffed I would be jumping straight into his arms, it's James. He looks at me then looks back at Aaron like he's going to kill him.

Aaron quickly throws his hands up and says "She wouldn't stop yelling."

James laughs as he uncuffs me and says "I'm sure."

He gets my restraints off and I jump into his arms. He pulls the he tape off of my mouth as we hear banging on the door.

Aaron yells "Help their in here."

I can see a plan forming between them like they have known each other their whole lives.

James kicks the desk then yells "come in here and he's dead."

Aaron rushes over to his desk and sits on the floor with his back against the desk.

James attaches the handcuffs to one of his wrists and whispers "we have to make this look good."

Aaron nods his head in acknowledgment and James starts punching Aaron. I close my eyes until I hear it stop.

Aaron looks up at James and mumbles "take care of her."

James runs over to the balcony to get the rope ready and as I am walking to James, Aaron grabs my arm with his free hand and says "I will find you."

I nod my head but can't find it in me to leave him like this. I know that it had to be done to make sure the mercenaries believe him but it's hard to look at him. I hear James say something but I'm too distracted by the banging on the door. It's getting louder and louder and reminds me of something but I can't figure out what it is. I feel a hand on my shoulder and I instantly freak out and scream.

I then see myself as a young child hiding under my bed watching the door as loud bangs are on the other side of it. I come back down to earth when the hand holds on to my shoulder and turns me around. I see James' face and he wipes my tears away with his hand. He pulls me into him with his strong arms and I sob into his chest.

Aaron lets out a deep breath whispering "you guys need to leave, now."

Aaron and James both exchange looks until James gently pushes me towards the balcony while saying "put the harness on."

I make my way over to the balcony and put the makeshift rope harness on one leg at a time. I look over at the two boys and James is kneeling beside Aaron talking about something.

Next thing I know, I hear a very loud bang and a large piece of the door breaks open. James comes running towards me and he puts me on his back as he ties the rope to our harnesses and starts to go down the outside wall of the building. Our boots hit the ground and James unties us from the rope. He grabs my hand then starts pulling me along to the forest. My leg starts to really hurt and it gives out causing me to hit the ground.

James turns around immediately and without thought picks me up and starts to run. I try to speak but it is overwhelmed by the sound of gunfire raining down from Aaron's balcony.

We eventually get a good distance away and he sits me down against a tree. I'm zoning in and out as he feels my head among other things.

He looks at me and his eyes turn a light gold color as he says "we need to get you to a hospital."

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