Chapter Nine-Apollo

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Rebecca's POV:

The sun shining into the small holes of the roof awakens me.

I try to sit up but James' arm is holding me to his chest.

He's really warm and I want to sit here forever but I also just want a minute to myself.

I slowly pull his arm off of me and put it onto a pile of hay.

He hugs it as if it was me and I can't help but smile at the sight of it.

I use the railing by the ladder to pull myself up off of the ground.

I look down at my clothes and I have dark jeans on and a green shirt.

The body armor and helmet is still attached to me as well.

I find a few apples sitting there on the railing, so I put one in my pocket.

I slowly climb down the ladder and start to walk around.

My leg slightly hurts as I walk but it's manageable.

I pull the apple out of my pocket and I hear a noise that startles me.

I look over to see a light brown and white horse is staring at me.

I walk over to the horses stable and I see a small sign on it that says "Apollo."

I hold the apple out and ask "Do you want this Apollo?"

He lets out a loud noise as if to say yes so I gladly give it to him.

He happily eats it and I hear from behind me "I can't remember the last time I saw a horse."

I turn around startled to see James' standing there.

I let out a big sigh with relief as he says "Sorry baby, didn't mean to startle you."

I nod my head in acknowledgment as he joins me in petting the horse.

He then gently grabs my hand and pulls me over to a hay bale we can sit on.

We sit down together and he says "We have some things we need to discuss."

I nod my head and he starts to talk.

"Look I know we have been through a lot in the last few days."

He starts to get tears in his eyes as he continues, "when they took you, I didn't know if I was going to see you again."

Before he can say anything more I cut in, "I thought the same thing but we're here now."

He shakes his head and tears start to run down his face as he pushes on, "Those people that were on my side of the bridge, where the rebels."

"I am the leader of the rebels and they were holding me back from coming to get you."

I stand up and walk a couple steps in front of where we were sitting with my back to him.

Tears start to run down my face as I realize that the rebels just let them take me, no fight or anything.

I know I am a nobody to them but you think they would do something other than just watch.

James stays where he is at and continues explaining, " when we got back to rebel base, the spy we have told me that they took you to one of their bases."

"When I found out I came as quick as I could to find you." "I snuck out so they wouldn't come to help."

"If it wasn't just me, they would have killed anyone I was with and we don't have enough numbers yet to beat their forces. "

"When I arrived I was caught and put into a cell."

"They said that they killed you......"

His voice starts to break off and I turn around and jump into his arms. I hold onto him tighter than ever and I whisper "I'm right here, I'm not going anywhere, it's okay."

He almost crushes me in a hug and I tell him it's my turn.

We sit back down and I tell him,
"When I was a kid, I lived with my parents in a nice house."

"One night I heard shouting downstairs and then gunshots."

"I locked my door and hid under my bed."

"Next thing I know the door came flying in and men took me to some place."

"I don't remember everything that happened, it's like they took out a piece of my memories."

I pull up my shirt slightly so he can see my back where there are a few scars.

"I don't know where I got these from, but when I hear certain things like when they were banging on Aaron's door or when I shot that man I get flashbacks."

I look up at James with tears running down my face and I say " I don't think that was the first time I've killed someone."

He pulls me into his chest once again and says "It's okay baby, I love you, and I'm not going anywhere so where going to go through this together."

He holds onto me for what feels like forever until he gently pulls me off of him showing me the apple in his other hand. I take it, gladly ready to eat.

As I'm about to take a bite I hear footsteps outside of the barn. James immediately grabs me and basically throws me over the railing, into apollos stable. I go over to the corner of it and hide behind the large hay bales. I can't see past the hay but I hear the door to the barn open.

I hear James fighting with the men until I hear a sound like someone hit the ground. The two male voices begin talking to each other and I know that it's James, and that they knocked him out.

Every bone in my body wants to help him, but there's no way I'll be able to fight them in my weak state.

I hear many more voices and footsteps until the door to my stall opens.

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