Chapter Sixteen- Alone

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Damien points his pistol at Carl, and Edward slowly approaches.

"She deserves a beating, I won't kill her, she will wish she was dead though." Carl barks out like it's a normal thing.

"Your not touching her." From now on, she's under my protection. Damien says in a firm tone.

Edward starts to let out a evil sounding laugh before he says "protection?, she's the enemy, she deserves everything she gets."

They start to yell back and forth and I see a window behind me on the wall. I slowly crawl backwards towards it to not draw suspicion. The men start to go hands on with each other, and a fight breaks out.

I get to the window and we're on the second floor, without a second thought I open it and jump out. The landing hurts, I'd be lying if I said it didn't, but I have to get out of here.

I get ready to run when I hear something hit the ground behind me. I turn around half expecting a punch to the face but it's Aaron's medic bag. I pick it up and look up at the window we're I see Aaron's head sticking out staring at me.

He gives me a nod then yells "Guys she grabbed my bag and jumped out the window!"

I give him a small smile basically thanking him for the bag. I wish I had more time before they knew I left but it's the only way Aaron won't get in trouble for the missing bag.

I put the backpack on my back and start running away from the base. There's guards on the property outside that are running after me but I'm a very fast runner and I easily loose them once I hit the forest.

Once I'm sure I lost anyone who was following me, I sit down against a tree and rest. I open the bag Aaron gave me and it has a extra pair of clothes, lots of medicine, some food, water, and a pocket knife. I change into jeans, a black shirt, and a tan jacket. I notice that it's starting to get slightly dark so I decide to keep moving. I hear water and I come across a river.

I thought that I was going in the same direction James and I went but I truly am lost. I take a seat on the edge of a rock by the river and get the food and water out of the bag. I eat and drink what was left and lay down to get some sleep.

The sun shines bright and I realize I must have slept till about mid day. I wipe my eyes then stand up taking in the piece and quiet for a moment. I continue walking down the rivers edge in hope to find civilization. I can't help but wonder what James is doing.

He has to be tearing apart everything he sees looking for me, or has he been captured too, or is he dead? Questions flood my mind and I can't help but realize, for the first time in a long time, I'm all alone.

After a few hours of walking I see smoke in the distance. Once I am closer, I carefully approach what looks like a village. I see adults walking around, and kids playing down the streets. I have to get some information one way or another so I slowly walk down the street with my head down so I don't cause suspicion.

I arrive at a small shop which looks like a small grocery store. I enter and grab a can of food and some water off of the shelf. I bring it to the counter where a older man with a nice smile is standing there.

He says how much I owe him and now realizing that I need money I check Aaron's bag. He's only got a few cents in the bag which I put on the counter. I begin to apologize and pick up my stuff but I hear a voice close behind me say "it's okay ill pay for it."

I turn around half expecting it to be James, but instead it's a mercenary Soldier about my age. He hands the old man money then grabs the food and water while motioning for me to follow him.

I follow him hesitantly while heavily gripping the knife in my pocket. We get outside the shop and he hands me my things. He gives me a warm smile and is about to speak until a different soldier walks up to us from behind me.

The older soldier who looks to be a general gives me a hard look and asks "do you have your identification?"

My heart starts to pound as I quickly pat myself making it seem like I'm trying to find it.

I quickly make up a lie, "no sir, I must have left it at my house."

The man points to my backpack and says "you didn't even check your bag."

The adrenaline pumping through my veins is ridiculous and I feel like I'm going to pass out.

I take my bag off my back and the man quickly snatches it from my grasp. He digs through the bag throwing everything out of it until he sees a small case that looks like a wallet.

He opens it up, looks at it, then turns it so both the other soldier and I can see it. It's Aaron's I.D. and I know I am screwed. I take off running in the direction opposite of which I came from.

I get to a small walking bridge where the river runs underneath it and I'm stuck in the middle while there's soldiers on both sides of it coming towards me. I dive into the river and the current starts pushing me down stream. I start to slam into rocks and I can feel a piece of the rock I hit go into my side like a knife.

The current pulls me back under the water and my head hits a rock making my body shut down once again.

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