Chapter Seventeen- Good Samaritan

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A sharp pain in my side fills my body causing me to gasp and sit up full force which only makes it worse.

"Lay back down" I hear before hands come from behind me pushing me back down. My head is back on the log and I give the guy a hard look.

He's not a mercenary, he's older with grey hair and a camouflage outfit on.

"Who are you?" I call out

He looks over at me while he's messing with a small box and says "I'm the guy that saved your life."

Oh boy another savior to add to the list, in a world full of majority men, what should I expect. Notice the sarcasm.

"What happened?"

In his gravily voice he says "I found you washed up on the shore with that deep cut."

I look down and go to touch it but he grabs my hand quickly and says "do you want to make it worse?"

I shake my head and I start to hear distant footsteps coming closer.

The man pays only slight attention towards it until he gets close to my ear,

"Look I don't know you, but I do know who your running from, give me one good reason I shouldn't just give you to them"

I can't help but think how I could outrun this old man but I think him and I both clearly know with my wound bleeding I wouldn't make it far.

"I don't have a reason"

"I should have been dead, time after time"

"Everyone I love is either dead or somewhere else and the mercenaries want me more than anyone for a reason I don't know"

"So go ahead, give me up, get the reward and move on, because one way or another I'll end up back in their grasp."

I say this coldly with no emotion because I'm tired of running, I'm tired of the pain, just end it all.

He gives me a hard look and is about to speak when a low whistle sounds out from a nearby bush. Two people emerge from the bushes and walk over to us.

The two men walk over and they are wearing gillie suits on their entire body, and I can't see their faces.

I roll of the log and land on my stomach causing me to grown in pain from my wound.

"Please, I can't, just leave me be" I say while crawling back towards the water. One of the men walk away, the way they. came.

Maybe they decided to leave me alone.

Next thing I know, a hand grasps over my mouth and an arm wraps around my waist.

My back goes into the chest of the gillie suit wearing person that walked away and I'm pulled
beside a grouping of bushes. He holds me tightly against his chest making sure I don't move.

I start to shuffle around and try to talk until he takes his hand off of my mouth and points. I see the mercenaries he is pointing at and I quickly shut up and freeze. They pass, not seeing us, and the man lets me go. I turn around and before I can say anything he pulls off his mask.


He gives me his big smile and I give him the biggest hug possible.

"We need to leave, how bad are you hurt?" He says this with a worrisome voice.

"Uhh... I've been worse.." I put my hand on my side and instantly grimace in pain "not great though."

He picks me up and lays me back on the log and the other gillie guy walks over.

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