Chapter 5: Skepticism

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'What is it Nana?' Ichigo asked her teacher. 'Is this to do with Zero two?'

Nana replied in a curious manner,

'Yes the new... girl, Zero two; is in need of a tour and introduction to the school grounds and facilities, etc.' she said. However, they way she mentioned Zero two was curious in mannerism and formality. Ichigo never recalled seeing a teacher respond to a student's name with such... fear and disgust. She would disgust this with her friends later, on the other hand.

'Is that it?' Ichigo said. 'Apart from also making her feel at home with her new home and family.' she added with a cute smile.

Ichigo's care free manner was met with Nana's almost distracted and grim features. Ichigo never remembered seeing the reaction of a students name, or mention, for that matter; be so negative.

'I'll go get her from her room, then...' she said.

'Oh, there's no need!' Nana instantly replied. 'She's been waiting around the corner.'

'Huh?!' Ichigo exclaimed. And sure enough, there behind the corner leant Zero two, a lollipop in her hand and mouth, and her back against the wall.

'Been here along.' she said with a smirk.

'Huh...' mumbled Ichigo. 'Guess so... Huh.' she thought. Maybe this could have been a reason as to why Nana was a bit nervous of her. Maybe this was the reason why Nana's tone perked up in a sort of... artificial way, when she new when Zero two was behind her? She once again, would have to discuss this with her friends. It was indeed slightly unnerving and disturbing. In a way.

'Well... Follow me then...' she told Zero two.

As Ichigo let Zero two walk past her into the hallway down to the class rooms and beyond, only to notice Zero two's almost snarl like face as she walked past Nana, but also her near complete ignorance of Nana's existence. She could already tell that something was up, between the two.

'We'll take care of her, Nana.' said Ichigo, watching Zero two walk a distance before waiting. 'You don't need to worry anymore.' she smiled.

Nana only looked back and gave a less than reassuring smile and turned to leave, the bodyguards no longer about to rush in to 'guard'  Zero two.

Or was it the other way around?

Nana's heels clacked along the passage as she left Ichigo to run off after Zero two. After she and the guards were a ways away out of earshot, she told them to be extra wary of Zero two's activities.

'I won't her to be kept under close watch. We cannot afford to lose the Subject to these students.'

'But, didn't you raise these children, miss?' asked a guard.

Nana new what was in for her and the children for the next few months and was worried as to everything after.

'The subject comes first. Top priority...' she said as much as it pained her.

'Yes, miss.'

They began walking again. One of the guards eventually asked the question that was lingering on her mind. Like that of cigarette smoke. Thicc, and heavy.

'And what about the, special specimen?' asked the other guard. 'Will we add another priority, miss?'

Nana closed her eyes in regret. She would apologies later, she knew.

'002 is top priority...' she repeated. 'The special specimen is top second priority. Understand? Otherwise, I'm sure you can take this up with the Doctor.'

'Understood.' replied the guard. He reached over with gloved hand and spoke into the com:

'The Special Specimen is on top, second priority; I repeat, top, second priority.'

Nana walked along with the two guards and whispered,

'I'm sorry, children...' she shuddered.

≈ Time Skip ≈

'And this is where you and I will be having our classes.' said Ichigo. They had a quick tour, seeing as how Zero two already knew a large portion of the school, whether it be from the grounds to the dorms where she stayed in. All that was left was the classrooms and their classroom.

'We'll have plenty of time after school to introduce you to all of your new friends and family.' smiled Ichigo. 'And while we're at it, I can show you where the common rooms are! We usually have one to ourselves that we stay in for most afternoons. However if you want you can stay in your room if chatter distracts you! Or you can participate in any of the school's clubs! Let's see, there is the literature club, or the-'

'Thanks again...' cut off Zero two. 'I get the idea.'

'Right. Sorry!' Ichigo tried to sound lively. 'Let's go in then!'

As Ichigo was about to walk in, Zero two asked a chlling question.

'Is he here?' she asked in a lazy tone.

Ichigo looked back to see Zero two looking at her with interest, waiting for her response.

'Sorry, who?' she asked. Zero two only gave back a look that said what she meant.

'That one...' Zero two whispered, coming closer to Ichigo. 'The one with the hair, black as night... Is he here?'

Ichigo was in shivers. Both knowing that Zero two's suspicions were most accurately about her childhood friend. Ichigo's concern grew as she knew an adult was known to become gibberish  when near or even talking about the student who leaned in only centimetres away, seeing as how she was rather tall for their age. If she even had an age that matched her look.

Ichigo looked down.

'You'll have to have a look yourself...' she stated, only receiving a confident and smug look from Zero two.

'I look forward to meeting...' she said the last bit in a sinister tone. 'them...'

Ichigo was still worried. Yet being the class rep, she had a responsibility and duty to help potential friends and peers. No matter how, different they seemed. She didn't even know anything about her apart from her name and how much she put Nana off.

'Just a student, just a student...' she whispered to herself. 'right?'

She opened the door to let Zero two passed into the classroom. When she did however, Zero two said.

'Next time you think something that is as discriminative as that...' she said. 'do it in your, head.'

This letting out an eep from Ichigo. Who blushed from being so embarrassed. Not only that, she did not notice how the class and it's students reacted to their new peer. Mostly just blushes and blank stares, similar to those at the front gates. Some looked away when they noticed her horns and ringed eyes. Said eyes were quickly passing over every student, to rest on one in particular.

Ichigo could hear the faint mutter of Zero two,

'Found one...'

Authour's Note:

Hey there! I hope you all like this chapter, and I have the news that I will be posting new chapters on new stories as well as this one. I literally just asked for advice from a friend. So here comes accompanying news, with this happening, I will be making a suggestion book as to see what you guys what like to see out of my mediocre (at best) writing. I have some interesting ideas and I'm looking forward as to what you guys might suggest.

- Eclipse

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