Chapter 27: Victory and Bonds

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'We did it Goro!' shouted Ichigo.

'Hey- yeah, we did i-ohhh! Uhhhh!' Goro's rejoice was cut short as Ichigo's caused the raft to capsise and send the two overboard with it.

The two emerged and punched the air.

Their victory dances and quick snippets from the "intense battles" were present companions on their way back to the main camp, where they would need to get ready for the next activity.

Everyone talked about the challenge that had been presented fondly, as Ichigo's excitement had been settled by Goro's silent enthusiasm.

They changed, freshened up, and were directed to lunch.

Lunch was hectic, all of the students in the room, crazed and hyper from whatever they had just done.

Most of the squad were exhausted, Zero two excluded. She seemed to be more energetic if anything, her smile was pure and genuine, enough to bring out Hiro's own. Ichigo felt that twinge in her chest but moved it aside. Now was not the time, and she understood that. Somewhat.

The raft building had taken a long time and Squad 13 were a little more on the side of exhaustion, rather than ready for what was after lunch.

Lunch did help with the drowsiness, enough so that they could all participate in the conversation.

They mostly talked about what had happened in the last few weeks that the squad had been "dismembered", each telling funny stories and struggles that were literally only a room away from old friends and people that could've had those experiences.

Most were intrigued about what Hiro had been up to. After all, he had been with Zero two in the time that had passed.

Zero two didn't say a word, only listening to her darling's recounts of the funny times and little struggles they overcome together. As f-r-i-e-n-d-s.'

Her cheeks didn't redden or pinken, but she looked at the table a little shyly as Hiro had gone into how well she had done on her own and how well she had helped him with his school work.

He finished off with recommending her help to the squad if they were in need of help.

'Darling!' Zero two said, in a little pout. 'You should eat; we're leaving soon.'

'Ok, mother!' he chuckled.

'Darling~' she said.

When Hiro looked back over to her, she had a grin that made his heart go a little... Doki Doki, one could say?

The squad all coughed nervously at her flirty behaviour, everyone glancing between her sliding movements toward Hiro and the rest of the room.

The conversation from one thing to another, Ichigo apologising halfway through and Miku and Zorome arguing over one the smallest things.

Soon enough, lunch had met its end and the squads were all signalled to follow the adults that would lead them to their next event.

The hope and anticipation for what was to come next died as soon as the squad saw the sign next to a path in the treeline.

It was a hike, measuring approximately 8 kilometres or so.

'Uggghhhhhhh! WHHHYYYYY!' moaned Zorome. 'What did we do to deserve this?!' he said turning to Nana and Hachi.

Nana grinned fondly at the kids and Hachi kept his stone-cold-bastard look in place.

'You need the exercise.' she responded. 'Besides, it might be fun. But I will warn you if you don't make it back before dinner time, well...' she grinned widely. 'I'm sure you know the rest.'

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