Chapter 13: More Conspiracies!

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The light taps of Ichigo' sand Zero two's shoes was stale as the they were the only two in the hall. The silence between them was awkward and on edge, neither knowing or wanting to know how to start up a conversation - or any type of verbal communication.

Ichigo tried not to look but found herself looking at Zero two's passive face. She knew better as Zero two was most likely pissed off to a very high degree. They continued on in silence, the school in chaos, with students of all grades and years, running to the exits, gates, dorms, and every other area as the school week had come to its' periodic end. The hallway the pair was in, offered enough shelter from the noise, allowing them to talk. If they were so inclined.

Ichigo couldn't bear the silence and decided to speak up; 'Look, I'm-'

'I don't want to hear it.'

'Yep... Got it...'

They walked through the halls, continuing as they did before Ichigo's attempt to make up. She still felt skeptical of her, but Ichigo's class captain 'instincts' made her feel obligated to do so. Guaranteed, Hiro wasn't the only to have questions on Zero two, but she wasn't the one who left their childhood friends for a... thing in the woods...

'I understand you mean well, but you of all people, won't make me any happier than I am now... and I think we both know who exactly could...'


Zero two continued towards the dorms passed the hall where the common rooms were placed, where Ichigo went inside and joined the rest of the squad. Even though Zero two had mentioned someone 'helping her', it would be near impossible if she entered the girls side of the dorms. The girls could try comforting her, but the chances of that actually happening were close to none, at the moment of their 'friend' basis. Miku was loud and found it naturally easy to annoy people, Kokoro was too timid to say hello to their newest member yet, and Ikuno was nearly always quiet and distant. Ichigo had already introduced herself, and, as said, would need time to make it up to Zero two.

'What was up with Hashi?' asked Goro. Not even a second of entering the common room and she already has a question to be answered. Let alone the ones she had herself.

'Why can't I go without a day without questions...'

Everyone, except Zero two and Hiro were in the room.

'Hachi just checking up on how everyone's going with Zero two.'

All eyes in the room turned Ichigo, curious as to how she had responded to Hachi about it. Especially with Zero two, next to her.

'I told him that everything was going alright and that there wasn't anything of significance that needed mentioning.'

Ikuno cocked an eyebrow as she continued her reading, her book was far more important than the situation at hand. A little joke among the squad was that if there was a zombie apocalypse, she would survive as the zombies wouldn't notice her sitting down with a book in hand.

'Did he believe you when you lied to him?' said Goro.

'It wasn't a lie!'

Now it was Goro to raise his brow.

'Not completely, anyway... He seemed alright with it, it is Hachi we're talking about. What can you get from his face anyway.'

'True but... Zero two was there, wasn't she.'


'And she played along with your act?'


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