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Apocalypse: 2008 Percy: 19

Titan War: 2009 Sam: 29

Giant War: 2010 Dean: 33

Current: 2012 Tony: 37

After the Giant War the gods decided to visit their kids, helping the integration of Roman and Greek. Two years later in the summer they're all joking around in the dining pavilion during dinner when the hall is silenced with the ring of a cellphone. Confused the campers and gods look around trying to find out who had a phone as they were banned from camp. Distracted because anyone who would call him knew he was at camp, Percy pulled out his phone and checked the caller ID.

"Winchester," Percy answers putting the phone to his ear. The campers are a bit confused since they were all pretty sure his last name was Jackson, not "Winchester."

"Hey, slow down. Sam I said slow down. Now, start from the beginning... Samuel William Winchester, this better not be a prank," Percy warned. The name elicited gasps from the older campers and the gods, the others were confused.

"Have you called Tony yet? Why not? He's closer to you than I am! No. I'm not. D.C. is closer to Colorado than Long Island! Cyclopes!? Why didn't you call me before one of you got hurt? I don't care if you have a celestial bronze dagger! Neither of you are trained to fight a Cyclopes at close range! Ugh, fine. Call Tony and read him in, I'll be there in a few minutes after I pick up Tony. I'm also bringing Pop. Well I can't not bring him! He's right next to me." At this point everyone was more amused than mad to see their 'fearless leader' losing his temper with someone across the country.

"Just call Tony, fill him in and Pop and I will pick him up on our way over." Percy closed his phone and turned to his dad. "My idiot brothers that you adopted went after a family of Cyclopes and Dean got his hand broken. Sam just finally called for backup and is filling Tony in as we speak."

"Go for Tony." Tony's signature greeting rang through the silence after answering his phone. He was slightly worried since it was the one he used for his family and other hunters.

"Sam," Tony started, "Why did you wait to call Percy until after Dean got hurt by the Cyclopes? You know those are one of his monsters?" There was a pause on Tony's end. "I don't care that you have a CB dagger, you only have one measly dagger for the two of you and neither of you are trained to fight one close range! Yes, I'm ready to go; Pop and Perce should be here any second now. 'Kay, bye." As Tony closed his phone a sea breeze swept through the Bull Pen as two figures appeared next to Tony's desk.

"Ready to go?" one asks.

"Yeah, Perce, I'm ready to go."

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