Lab Rats 1

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Inspired by "Hanger 72" on, I am sorry but I don't remember the author.

A hero from the future is sent back in time to stop a hero from going dark, or so he thinks.

Chase and Bree and the Elite Force were visiting Mission Creek. Leo had retired from the hero life when he realized that he had only donned the mask and cape because he was desperate for some attention. After Douglas turned off his bionics Leo enrolled in the local community college.

Leo and Chase were in their favourite coffee shop. They were in the back corner booth where Chase was working with Leo on a project for one of Leo's engineering classes. They were listening to music from Leo's phone when they noticed a girl standing at their table, just staring at them.

Confused Leo asked, "Can we help you?"

"You guys are interesting," the girl said as she tilted her head to the side. She looked at their coffees and said "Gimme."

A little taken aback Chase responded, "It's 3.75 for the large, order your own."

The girl just continued to stare before turning around and leaving. Confused and a little perturbed the boys just went back to their project, not noticing the other patrons and staff lying unconscious all over the floor and tables.


The two boys left a couple hours later when the realized how long they had been there. They were slightly concerned by the hazy looks many people had on their faces as they left, as if they had just woken up from a deep sleep.

When they arrived home Leo was surprised that no one was in the living room. It was a big house but there weren't many places people frequented in it.


Basically follows Hanger 72 except parallel shows up after the Elite Force is in Mission Creek and it is both Chase and Leo that befriend the retired villains, up until the card saying "nice try heroes"


Leo and Chase were by the pool with Naomi in a ball pit that they made for her. They were trying to figure out how to make the energy disperse evenly through the device. They had just figured out that a circle was the solution to their problem when Skylar calls them in.

"Hey guys! Brannon is getting a message from the future!" The two share a glance before heading inside with Naomi in Leo's arms and Leo's sketch book in Chase's grasp.

"What does the note say?" Leo asks as he hands Naomi to his mom.

"We don't know yet but the card is still materializing," responds Davenport. Leo goes to reach for it to the protests of the heroes except Chase but when he grabs it, the process only speeds up. When the card is finished the only thing on it is a symbol that Chase and Leo think is familiar.

"Hey Chase do you recognize this? I feel like I've seen it before," Leo asks as he turns to him.

"That's Chu- yeah it's familiar." Chase and Leo hoped no one caught the slip.

"Can we see it?" asked Kaz.

"Yeah, yeah sure." Handing the card over the couple waited to see what the others would say.

"That's Corvus Black's symbol with a few alterations! He's been off the grid for years why would he come back now?" Kaz's outburst caught everyone's attention.

"Who's Corvus Black?" Bree asked.

"One of the top 10 villains in the world, with a huge grudge against heroes." At this Leo and Chase looked at each other while rolling their eyes, they knew that Chuck was over that grudge and just wanted to keep his little family safe.

"No one has seen this symbol since before you guys were outed as heroes? How did you two recognize it?" Oliver asked.

"Um, the other part of the design is what we were talking about. The lines and stuff look like a schematic for mine and Leo's project. We just barely figured out the circle part so we didn't recognize it right away," Chase nervously answered with a look to Leo.

"But that doesn't seem to be the whole truth. You started to say a name when you first saw it. You said something that sounded like the beginning of Chuck." Skylar's accusation had the couple looking at each other in panic. That seemed to be all the answer that Bree needed.

"Oh, so since you can't be a hero anymore, Leo, you decide to go join the villains? And Bring Chase with you, huh? Well it seems we found our traitors."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26, 2021 ⏰

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