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Sally and Percy are Altean. Percy's dad died in the destruction of Altea and Alfor sent Sally and a two year old Percy to Earth with the Blue Lion. They were in cryopods until 1995 when Poseidon found them and adopted Percy before bringing them to the nearest town. There Sally met the Holts and Shiroganes. Percy grew up with Shiro and Matt, and later Keith - when the Shiroganes adopted him- and Katie. Percy, Shiro, and Matt all end up in a relationship.

The three families knew of the alien status of the Jacksons and the adopted demigod situation. Percy also has a dagger similar to Keith's but white and blue.

The books happen like they do, except Percy also uses his dagger and stays in the Garrison. None of the demigods know the Garrison squad, but the friends know all about the demigods. After the Giant Wear the Seven and Nico all enroll in the Garrison. The two groups somehow never meet yet Percy doesn't hide their friendship.

When the Kerberos mission comes Percy is also on the team as co-pilot and mechanic. The demigods meet Keith and Katie at the memorial and they kind of adopt them and help them get into the Garrison. When Shiro crashes the group rescues him with the "help" of Lance and Hunk. The entire group is taken to Arus by Blue.

The show goes about the same but with added help of the demigods in small fighter jets that they built and they find Matt quicker. Everyone knows that Matt and Shiro are in a relationship but not that Percy is part of it.


"Stop! He-He's a friend!" Shiro's voice rings through the comms as the team tried to detain the galra intruder.

"What do you mean he's a friend!? He's attacking us!" Lance called back as he dodged a swing at his head. The large group had the intruder surrounded but still had a hard time getting the upper hand.

"He helped me and Percy escape!"

The rushed explanation made everyone freeze. The masked man nodded his thanks to Shiro as he walked up to him. The group slowly lowered their weapons but kept their guards up.

"Let's take you to meet the princess," Shiro said, turning to lead them all to the control room. The man deactivated the mask revealing a light purple galra. Most of the paladins tensed except Keith, Pidge, Matt, and Shiro.

The galra bowed to Allura surprising most of the paladins.

"It is an honour to meet you Princess. My allies and I had heard that you perished with your people." Allura recovered from her shock quickly and extended her hand in greeting. "It is good to see that not all galra support Zarkon."

story beginnings and ideasOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora