White Collar/Chuck 1

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Neal, Peter and the Team are going undercover at a party to see if they could find an embezzler in some company. Hughes was in the van monitoring their mics. They each also have small cameras. Neal ends up on the opposite side of the gallery than the others when he sees Casey, Sarah and Chuck. Neal and Hughes recognize the group and they both curse, drawing the attention of the rest of the team.

"Neal, everything all right?" Perter asks after extracting himself from his conversation.

"Caffrey, get out of there, now," Hughes commands.

"Don't need to tell me twice," Neal responds, but before he can leave the spies notice him. "I've been spotted."

"Bryce?" a voice from behind Neal causes him to turn. The team was confused, that wasn't an alias they were aware of.

"Sam? Is that you?" Bryce was surprised to see Sam there; he forgot that this was his old college friend's dream job. "Looks like you're living your dream, man. How long have you been working here?" Bryce was glad to see his old friend.

"I've been working here for the last year or so. I've just made lead developer on my floor, actually." Sam started explaining one of the recent projects he was working on. Bryce forgot that he was trying to leave until Sam glanced over Bryce's shoulder as he felt someone come up behind him.

"Chuck! Long time no see, man. How've you been?"

Sam, it's so good to see you! I saw Bryce over here and I just had to come say hello, but look at you! Mr. Head Developer at you dream job, I almost didn't recognize you," Chuck said with a smile. Chuck put a hand on Bryce's shoulder, squeezing just a bit too hard to be friendly.

"Get out of there Larkin," Hughes grunted over the com. "Diana, go help him."

There was a slight confusion at the change of name for the CI but Diana just grabbed a glass of champagne from a passing waiter and began to make her way over to Bryce.

"It seems, though, that my date is done catching up with friends," Bryce said, catching sight of Diana slightly stumbling over with a half empty glass.

"Baby! There you are! I'm having such a great time!" Diana stumbled into Bryce. Catching her around the waist, Bryce gently removed the mostly empty glass from her hand and placed it on a passing tray. Diana kept rambling on about hoe her night had supposedly been.

"Alright, Hun, it seems that you have had enough to drink tonight. Let's get you home," Bryce said, sending an apologetic glance at his friends.

"No, no, no, go ahead. We don't mind. We can catch up later," Chuck said, giving him a stern look when Sam wasn't looking.

"Right, see you later." The two made their way to the exit where Peter and Jones were waiting for them.

The four made their way to the van. Climbing in the back where Hughes was waiting, the agents were trying to get some answers out of Bryce. Once the doors were closed the three settled down and turned to Hughes for an explanation. Hughes didn't seem to notice as he was looking at Bryce with a hard look on his face.

"I worked protection for Orion and his project before I retired. He had a young CIA agent working with him as his assistant. That same agent became a traitor and stole the project. He was shot dead by Colonel John Casey." Hughes's look became darker. "The agent's name was Bryce Larkin."

Bryce flinched and looked down at his feet. "I'm not allowed to say anything without the General's permission."

The short answer sent the three agents into shock and Hughes's expression just became resigned.

"Are you able to contact her, or do you need me to?" Bryce looked up sharply at the question.

"Actually, I think she will be contacting us tomorrow. That-" Bryce took a breath. "That was my old team."

Hughes sighed, "So expect an angry team of spies in the office tomorrow?" Bryce nodded as he climbed out of the van once they reached the bureau building.


The next morning Bryce dressed in black cargo pants, a black t-shirt, and his leather jacket. Walking into the bureau he noticed confused looks sent his way as he walked up to Hughes's office.

When he entered he was met with three intense gazes. Standing at attention he greeted General Beckman with a nod.

"At ease agent," Beckman cleared her throat before continuing. "As you know former CIA and NSA agents Charles Charmichal, Sarah Charmichal, and Colonel John Casey saw Agent Larkin at the gallery last night, and after I am done speaking with you I will brief them on your case. They are hear after your suspect and will arrive when I am done with the briefing.

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