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Tony 43 Tony Leaves at 18 for college

Dean 33 Dean stays with John who goes on more solo hunts after Sam leaves.

Sam 29 Sam leaves at 18 for Stanford

When Tony turned 18 and graduated, he was accepted into Ohio University, left eight year old Dean, who didn't know how to use the microwave, to care for four year old Sammy and a hardly ever "home" drunk of a father that cared more about the hunt and Sammy more than him, with the promise that help was just one call away.

That promise was broken less than a week later when Dean needed help in buying laundry detergent and Tony never picked up. Eight years later Sammy turned twelve and began to fight with John about everything. Six years later Sam left for college, leaving Dean with an angry John to pick up the pieces.

About a month after Sam left for Stanford, John introduces Leroy Jethro Gibbs, a former marine buddy, to Dean. Seeing the broken and haunted look of a hardened soldier in Dean's eyes Gibbs immediately gets attached and helps Dean as much as he can, getting introduced to Bobby when meeting up with Dean a couple months later to help with information on a salt n' burn.

With John taking more and more solo hunts, Gibbs and Bobby become the fathers he never had but desperately needed. Dean spends the next two or three years taking hunts and staying with Gibbs or Bobby in between.

On one of the, fairly frequent, nights that he spent at Gibbs's, Dean meets Abby and Palmer who were talking to Gibbs about their current case when he came in with dinner for him and Gibbs. Since then the three grew close and viewed each other as siblings.

Not long after that Gibbs calls Dean in to help on one of the team's cases when they hit a brick wall. Abby and Palmer come up with results that point to the killer being a supernatural being so Gibbs makes the call. When Dean is introduced he recognizes Tony but the thought that he was staring at his little brother never crosses his mind.

About a year after Dean began helping the Team on cases that needed the extra pair of eyes John goes missing. Knowing for a fact that Tony won't help him, Gibbs can't, and Bobby knew as much as he did, he goes and asks Sam for help hoping that he could help him with a fresh pair of eyes. Instead of help Dean gets yelled at, disowned, and kicked to the curb by Sammy, on his birthday.

Dean goes solo, getting and giving help to Gibbs and Bobby when needed. He finds his dad; John sells his soul for Dean and Dean sells his soul when Bobby is killed on a hunt gone wrong. He kills the Azazel and gets dragged to Hell, is still on the FBI's most wanted, stops the Apocalypse by jumping into the Cage, goes soulless for a year, gets it back with the memories (no Hallucifer), and is still fighting Leviathans.

Gibbs needs help on another case and Dean needs a distraction from Bobby's death so he goes to help. Unfortunately, Fornell decides that he wants shared jurisdiction because of the civilian victims before the petty officer. The team and Abby along with Fornell were in Autopsy looking over the body and talking about the case when Dean comes in. The Team starts to greet him warmly from the previous times he had helped them and became a friend to them all.

Fornell, though, recognizes him from the FBI's most wanted and goes to arrest him, exposing him to the Team. Abby and Palmer already know what he does so they weren't shocked but the Team can't have the same said about them. They are broken out of their shock when Gibbs gets Dean out of the cuffs and explains what he does to Fornell. Gibbs tells Dean to explain everything but Dean says that Tony can explain how he got into hunting, seeing as he was his older brother and abandoned his family at the first chance he got after their mom was killed.

The Team is again shocked but Tony is still staring at his brother that he never recognized the many times he worked with him over the years. The silence that fell was broken by a phone ringing. Tony answers it robotically until he hears the voice on the other side. Revealing that it was his baby brother Sam, Dean is crushed as Tony asks what's wrong as the group can hear Sam sobbing about someone being killed just like mom.

Tony tells him to come to D.C. that he'll help him and that they need to talk in person anyway. The two explain everything to the people in the room. Sam gets there after a week and Tony brings him to Gibbs's place where Dean is staying. When Sam sees Dean he gets a bit mad and says that he told him to stay out of his life and Tony gets mad and yells at Sam about that isn't how you treat your brother when Dean snorts and says like you should know and they all just kind of explain everything to each other, Dean didn't really go into detail about what he did when telling the group in autopsy.

Tony and Sam are floored and worried about how their actions affected their brother.

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