Supernatural 2

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Inspired by WoodiestComic's Fallen from Grace on ao3

He flew through the sky dismayed at the violence around him on his search for his missing brothers. His wings trailing green fire behind him as he sees his brothers on the ground a short distance ahead of him, standing obviously divided.

"Stop! Please!" he cried out desperately wanting to avoid the fight that was evidently brewing between his older siblings. "There is no need for this useless violence! Please, we can help our brothers and sisters!" His pleas fell on deaf ears as his eldest brother stepped forward brandishing his sword. In a desperate attempt to quell the fighting before it became physical like so many of their brothers and sisters around them he flared his wings, sending large green flames out between the quarrelling groups. The large blast of light caused all the chaos around the group of five to cease as the two armies divided themselves once again behind their leaders on the ground.

Turning to the side with the larger army he called out, "Please, they just don't understand, but we can teach them and help them understand. Show our brothers and sisters that while humans are imperfect, make mistakes and horrible decisions, they are still wonderful in their hope and belief, faith and love for one another-"

"I am sorry brother, but there is no other option no matter how much we dislike it. Lucifer refuses to learn," Michael interrupts with regret and pain in his eyes.


Shooting up in bed Dean gasped for breath trying to get his bearings. Those dreams had started about a month ago when Lucifer was released from the Cage, along with a violent headache throughout the day. The boys were in one of many crappy motel rooms on their way to Bobby's. They had just finished taking care of a poltergeist in Manhattan, New York. The brothers were hesitant to take the job instead of continuing to try and track down where the fallen angel was.


Checking the clock on the nightstand Dean saw that it was just passed two in the morning. Sighing Dean knew that he wasn't getting anymore sleep.

"Great, just great," he mumbled getting out of bed and heading to the kitchen while mulling over his dream. It's not the first time that he has had that particular dream, but it was the first time he saw the emotion in Michael's eyes. Based on the other angels he and Sam had encountered he thought that the only emotions that angels could feel were disgust and anger - excluding Castiel of course. Sighing Dean grabbed a beer and headed out to the Impala to clear his head.

Pulling into Bobby's gravel drive Dean let out a breath of relief he didn't know he was holding, earning a quick glance from Sam. Heading in to see that man that was more of a father to them than their own Dean bit back a groan as a wave of pain washed over him. There's today's daily migraine.


Bobby knew of the dreams but not the headaches and he would have told Sam had Dean not made him promise not to. He had been going through his books to try and see what was going on with Dean. Gabriel had stopped by while the boys were in Manhattan, surprising the old hunter while he was looking through one of his old tombs on fallen angels. Caught off guard Bobby had let slip what he was looking for and Gabriel had just left without another word.

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