Glee/Flash 1

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New Directions and the Warblers were in a room with comfy chairs and sofas with low tables. On one of the tables there was a note. Kurt picked up the note and read it out loud. The note said that the two glee clubs were going to watch one of their member's memories, but they had to guess who it was.

It was tense as the two groups found places to sit, leaving the center couch vacant. After everyone was settled there was a bright flash and once it cleared Sebastian and Kurt were sitting on the previously empty couch. After seeing who they were sitting next to they tried to scoot farther away and were unable to move. Everyone thought that they were going to be mad but Sebastian just muttered "Screw it" and threw his arm around Kurt's shoulders, surprising both clubs.

Blaine asked what Sebastian thought he was doing. Sebastian said that obviously one of the two was going to have their memories exposed and instead of beating around the bush he wanted to tell them that they were cousins. The groups fell into another shocked silence before a screen appeared and started to play the first memory.


A young boy who appeared to be around eleven was in the living room on the floor surrounded by science books when the doorbell rang. A young woman quickly walked towards the door with the young boy trailing behind her. The door opened to show a young couple with another boy around the same age as the first standing in front of them.

"Kirby!" the first boy calls out grinning widely as Kurt rushed passed his aunt to hug his cousin.

"Barry! Aunt Nora!" Kurt let go of Barry to hug Nora.

"Why don't you boys go play some video games in the living room?" Nora told the boys after letting Kurt's parents in. the three adults watched as the boys ran off with fond smiles.


The two cousins watched with strained smiles as they remembered what happened that night.

"How old were you guys?" Nick asked.

"And what's with the whole "Barry" thing?" Jeff added on.

"We were eleven, and this idiot's real name is Barth-"

"Nooooo," Barry whined.

"-olomew Henry Allen, but he changed his name when he moved to Paris with his uncle from his mom's side. Fresh start, new attitude," Kurt continued as if Barry never interrupted him.

"Wait, Bartholomew Henry Allen? Were you by chance named after your dad?" Jeff asked.

"Yeah, why?" Barry hesitantly replied.

Jeff looked uncomfortable, "Just remembered a news article from when I lived in Central."

Barry winced, "Someone broke into our house that night and killed my mom. My dad was a doctor so he tried to save my mom but he was holding the knife when the police arrived and the killer wore gloves. My dad was convicted." Everyone had a look of sympathy after Barry's explanation.

"What happened to the ball of lightning around Aunt Nora and the floating liquids in your room?" Kurt teased with a hint of accusation. Kurt's words made everyone look to Barry in confusion.

"Everyone was right, it was just my imagination trying to fit watching my mother get stabbed in front of me into the reality of my eleven year old mind," Barry informed Kurt a little sharply. "It also doesn't help when everyone tells you that you're crazy while trying to force you into therapy without letting me even see my dad at all after he was arrested before my uncle took me away."

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