Percy Jackson 1

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All the Olympians (Hades and Hestia included) and basically both camps are spending a while on Olympus for something. The titans are there too, like they are trying to breach the gap between them or make a treaty or something. The titans stay in Zeus's temple and the demigods stay in their parent's temples.

After about a month the gods realize that Kronos is sneaking out every night. They were calling an early meeting with the Olympians and demigods to discuss it. Percy and Poseidon weren't there so they Iris messaged them.

The two were curled together on the bed but there was someone else there that was holding them in their arms. When Poseidon and Percy shift and snuggle closer to the figure it is revealed that it was Kronos and Hades had to restrain Zeus from waking up his brother and nephew. Before the sleeping forms could wake up they cut off the IM and they tried to figure out what was going on with them.

At breakfast everyone was a little tensed except the three and the other titans because they didn't know what was going on. Later during the meeting or whatever they decided to take a break but before they could leave the Throne Room Zeus asked where Kronos was going every night. Kronos tried to lie but Zeus told him that he saw him cuddled up with Poseidon and Percy. At this the two are alarmed at the fact that apparently for over a month they have been cuddling the evil titan lord without noticing.

Kronos then explains that he noticed the two were not sleeping well so he was keeping the night terrors at bay. Not believing him, Poseidon went to attack him but Apollo stopped him saying it was the truth, but not the whole truth.

In response Kronos just snapped his fingers and Percy and Poseidon collapsed to their knees holding their heads in pain. Seeing their struggle, Kronos said the longer they resisted the more pain it would bring. He also said that the council had perfect timing as he finished the spell the night before last. The god and demigod would be under his control to do whatever he commanded.

By this point Percy and Poseidon had fallen limp, only to rise and move over to Kronos kneeling. Kronos chuckled at everyone's cries of outrage saying that if they wanted to keep the strongest beings in the room, they should have kept a better eye on them.

Kronos told them to attack the Olympians and demigods but the two instead turned and attacked the titans. Alarmed the titans tried to subdue Poseidon and Percy when Poseidon showed where Percy got his sass from said that if he "wanted the strongest beings in the room that he should have kept a better eye on them" and to remember that their fatal flaw was personal loyalty.

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