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When Sam leaves for Stanford Dean leaves for college to become a police officer. Dean worked with Tony, moving with him as they were roommates and were also transferred together since they were the best team on the forces. When Tony joined NCIS Dean stayed in Baltimore until Gibbs left for Mexico, when Tony called in some favours to get Dean on his team.

Dean and Tony clean up McGee and Ziva's messes, staying late to finish and revise reports. Dean doing most of the research McGee won't do and backup when the others refuse. (Dean has masters in Criminology, Psychology, and field medicine, and becomes SFA after one year with his experience in the field and his education.)

Jess is killed by Azazel and Sam contacts their dad and joins in on the revenge wagon. Sam becomes FBI's most wanted in St. Louis. Dean finds out over the news late one night. A year or two later their dad is now on the list with his son and they are in the accident with the semi and Dean gets a call that his family was in a car crash and Sam is in critical condition. Almost as soon as Dean gets off the phone with the hospital John calls Dean and apologizes for everything and Dean begins freaking out because he knows what his dad is doing and he hangs up before Dean can do anything.

Because of how Ziva and McGee are acting Dean can't really take any time off but Tony is telling him to go but Dean doesn't trust the two and he gets so overwhelmed that he just kind of just conks out in the Bull Pen. Director Shepherd witnesses the whole thing and takes note that Ziva and McGee are nowhere to be seen, she finally realizes that the complaints filed against the two agents weren't just a prank or a ploy to get what she thought of as two of her best agents in trouble. Two of the other supervising agents in the Bull Pen help Tony take Dean down to Forensics to take a nap on Abby's couch.

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