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Apocalypse and Giant War in 2010

Dean 32

Sam 28

This is a year after the Giant War and most of the repairs have been completed with most of the added cabins and temples completed in both camps.

Everyone was in the dining pavilion for lunch when one of the demigods on guard duty came running in.

"Mortal... at the... boarder!" Michael, a son of Demeter, panted. "And he can see through!" This had the head counselors and the Seven heading to the boarder to check out the disturbance.

Cresting the hill with Percy in the lead the group paused at the man in a business suit. A flash of recognition goes through the man's eyes as he glances at the group.

"Hello there," the man drawled, picking at his nails.

"What do you want, Crowley?" Percy asked stepping forward. The others looked between the man and their leader in confusion, trying to figure out how they know each other.

"Fancy seeing you here, Pup," Crowley replied with feigned surprise. This confused the demigods even more.

"I won't ask again, Crowley. What, are you doing here?" Percy looked enraged. "You know that your being here could break the already shaky treaty between the pantheons." Watching in confusion Annabeth turned to Connor and sent him to retrieve Chiron to see if he could make anything of the conversation before them.

"Well there's no need to get all defensive, Pup; just came for a friendly visit," Crowley moved closer to the boarder. Uneasy the group took a step back while Percy merely took Riptide out of his pocket, getting ready to attack if necessary. At this point Chiron had arrived behind the group and sighed as he saw just who was causing the disturbance, drawing the curious demigods from their lunch.

Percy idly noticed the arrival of more spectators and tried again to get an answer from the man, "We both know that the boarder is nothing but a mere formality so you might as well come in to the Big House. Where we can talk in private." This was not how he wanted the Greek side of his family to learn about his brothers.

With a sigh Crowley stepped through the boarder while Percy pulled out a silver dagger the length of his forearm. Grabbing Crowley's arm Percy dragged the man through the crowd of demigods in the direction of the Big House when Crowley spoke up.

"How are Moose and Squirrel doing lately? I don't think I've seen them since Moose cured Dean of his little demon problem." Gritting his teeth Percy just ignored him and picked up his speed in an effort to keep Crowley from spilling any more of his secrets. "Oh, so it's the silent treatment then? Well it will be nice to finally talk without one of you pesky Win-" Crowley started to say before Percy pinned him to one of the columns of the dining pavilion with the dagger at his throat.

"Finish that sentence. I dare you."

"Well I stand corrected. Your family sure loves to interrupt me." This piqued everyone's interest because as far as they knew Percy's only family was Sally and the gods.

"Why. Are. You. Here?"

"What can I say? Your brothers are being stupid again and got themselves captured by Metatron, and Squirrel's angel boyfriend, Little Cassy, isn't being much help," Crowley explained. Almost as soon as Crowley finished speaking Percy's pocket began to ring. Pulling out his phone that no one knew he had, Percy saw the caller ID and showed it to Crowley with a raised eyebrow.

Bringing it up to his ear Percy answered the phone. "Hey, Dean. Need help with a hunt or something?" There was a pause as he listened to the person's answer. "King of Hell's gone missing? Because I'm staring right at him that's why." Percy turned slightly while he listened to the other man's response. Using the distraction Crowley reached forward and pulled a pendant out from under Percy's shirt, revealing what many of the campers thought of as a death omen but was really an amulet for protection.

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