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Black. Black and cold and damp and... it stinks. A lonely chair sat in the middle of the room, a single solitary light dangled above it, revealing a sickly sight. A boy, not yet... 17, sat tied to the chair broken and beaten. Blood dripped at a constant rhythm. The only sound there was in the room. They did not bother lifting their head. Not even when the sound of slow precise footsteps echoed throughout the room making it impossible to determine its origin. It wasn't until the footsteps stopped did the boy lookup. The shocking purple eyes of his captor stared down at him.

"You should see the news. They've been running the same story now for... day's." The boy cringed as his captor knelt down. His cold eyes dug into him as he squirmed desperately for freedom. He knew that would not happen. After all, he's been in his 'panic room' now for a what? A weak? No victim has ever lasted more than that. He was going to die. He's accepted it. "What? No more screaming? No more begging? 'Anxiety please let me go. I swear I won't tell anyone. Please. I don't die.' No more of that?" The boy just hung his head hearing his capture sigh. 

"They always stop screaming. I like it better when they're the ones panicking." He heard a familiar and haunting sound of Anxiety's knife being unholstered and the boy didn't even flinch. He didn't move. Even when Anxiety cut the binds and took a step back. "You're not even going to run? Great... I've broken him." He flinched only when Anx jumped down so that the boy was looking at him despite facing down. It was those eyes. Those cold purple eyes. No ones ever lived to tell what he looked like. He was not prepared for those eyes. He knew that even in death they would still haunt him. "Hungry? You haven't eaten in... well..." The boy followed Anx with his eyes as his capture turned around to pull this bowl off a table. "I made it special for you." He didn't move. The boy just looked away ignore the annoyed groan of the other man and the clink the bowl made as it was set back down. "And they never eat... Trust me when I say... eating was the better option." 

The boy was ripped off the chair by his hair and dragged over to the table. Anxiety grabbed the bowl and dumped it on the kid causing them to scream out in agony as the scalding substance burned their skin. 

"Quick an painless... I always give the option. But they always chose pain..." In a matter of seconds, the boy was choking on blood as a knife lodged into his through. He choked and gurgled the thick warm red unable to breathe. His brain had shut down not registering the pain anymore as his lung with blood. "... and slow. Always pain... and slow." Fear tore through him as the black crept in. He reached out a shaky hand getting nothing in return save an eyebrow raise... and still those cold purple eyes. "You should count yourself blessed. You're the last death this room with savor... from me anyway." 

Anxiety sighed as he watched the life drain from the boy bleeding out in front of him. Such a waste... Such a mess. Had he just eaten the food there wouldn't have been anything? They would have fallen asleep and died by poisoning... but no. They always chose not to. 

Anxiety stood up stretching, earning a satisfying pop, before walking over to a gas can he brought in. He wasn't going to bother with anything overly complicated. He was leaving this state, moving away and leaving his mess behind. He smirked slightly as he dumped the gas all over the body and everything else in the room, including his favorite chair, taking one last look at everything. It was about time he left this cesspool. The best part the fear the city will be in unaware Anxiety was no longer stalking the streets. The terror... the panic was always the best. The comfort he felt seeing the panic in others and knowing for once it wasn't him... that was the best feeling... the only feeling has towards anything besides his best friend. 

He stepped away taking out his trusty light and lighting it up. The haunting echo of its flame reflected in Anx's eyes giving it a warmth that died just as quickly. With a cold laugh, Anx tossed the lighter into the room setting the place ablaze before walking out into the crisp night air. He made it only four steps before his phone started ringing.

"Hey, Virgil? Where are you? We haven't finished packing." Anxiety smiled a little as he continued to walk away from the flamming madness. 

"I'm on my way home, Pat. Just had to take care of somethings."

*Discontinued* Killers in LoveWhere stories live. Discover now