XXII: Orange Puppet: Hope Ring's Fair Lady (II)

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"Balanchine has trained his cat to perform brilliant jetes and tours en l'air; he says that at last he has a body worth choreographing for."

-Bernard Taper


December 23, 1888

London, England


Dear: Diary,

Last night, I dreamt that I was a woman that loved someone else, even though her wedding day is the next day.

My vision showed me a ground. I look up and saw that I was in a garden.

It was so green and full of decorations to make it resemble to that of fairy-like magical garden. I saw flowers and lights all over the trees and I heard giggles and laughter in the distance.

I was dressed in a big, heavy-looking, ruffles-decorated, long-sleeved blue gown. I looked at my hands and saw bundles of long blonde curly hair touch my arms. Although, I don't remember my hands looking like this, it feels like it belonged to a woman and my hair who was supposed to be black, was never been blonde.

Suddenly, someone appeared in front of me and I saw a white long hair man, but I can't see his face, only the fact that he was a tall man wore a silver open coat and silver breeches with gold embroidery on both of them. Then he asked me to dance and he took my hand as a woman's voice, supposedly mine, said yes in permission. I heard the man laughed and he kissed her, or me, since I saw as his hair covered my eyes.

"Antona," a woman's voice called somewhere and my brain told me that it was my sister. Then, I feel myself feeling sad and stared at the man.

"I love you and I will come back for you, I promise," the man said as he kissed me one last time and disappeared.

"I'm here Carolina," Antona or me, said disappointingly. Then a woman with blonde hair smiled at me, who is dressed in a gown somewhat similar as mine and realized it was from an old-Austrian fashion.

"Antona, your marriage is tomorrow. You should be happy," Carolina said as she continued to smile and hugged me.

"I am, my dear sister," Antona replied. However, I am sad and I felt a longing toward that man who I just kissed. Then, I felt myself crying and I realized tears drop on my hands.

Before I knew it, the scene disappeared and I woke up with watery eyes. Why does she looks sad?


[Port of London]

After breakfast Ariel and I head to the port in London after she prepared the extra bedroom for Grand-pere and Baba. How are Adrian and Oma doing in the Main Estate?

It was cold and the snow ceased to fall for a moment as the SS Empress of Japan arrived on the pier. I saw people crowding over the docks as the liner came into view. It was large painted with white and blue with silver and black linings on the tubes of the smokes. I heard people shouts in excitement, as they populated the area with their carriages.

When the ship stopped near the pier, a group of people in uniforms came with a large, long portable bridge and the people made way for them to pass. As the door of the liner opened, the people om the boat caught the other bridge and secured it on the boat.

Minutes later, passengers began to emerge from the boat and the onlookers shouted, while some of them cried as they saw their loved ones exit the giant pacific liner with smiles on their faces.

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