XIX: Black & White Kittens: Winter Solstice's Children

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"Wild beasts he created later,
Lions with their paws so furious; In the image of the lion made he kittens small and curious"

-Heinrich Heine

December 21, 1874

I have been waiting for this event for a very long time, or more like watching. The night is long because it's winter solstice. I glanced at the sky and watched as the snowflakes fall slowly. I extend my hand and tried to feel the snow and the cold air. It's supposed to be cold but I can't feel anything. Nothing except the heartache from my chest, what do humans name it? Heartache, Heartbroken or Heart attack? I don't have a heart, but there's an emptiness in there.

I observed around and didn't feel the presence of those little creatures after I snagged out their Queen's soul away, sometime two centuries ago. It feels like it was just yesterday. I can't tell the time because it doesn't affect me and I have been on this planet for a very long time. Not by choice. If I even have the right to choose.

I only take the souls of royalties and for the others that's the reapers' job. I only eat high-quality delicacies. That statement is funny because I don't eat, I don't need to eat to survive.

I like to watch how those types of people, who lived in vanities while the others suffered, end in tragedies. I like to view their tragic deaths because that's the only thing that empowers me.

I remembered the French Revolution like it was just yesterday. The King's head fell off after the guillotine met his neck and that Queen's face after she saw her paradise's demise. Ha.

I watched too many tragedies and have the same feeling all the time, I just watched because that's the only thing I can do after he vanished.

I floated and looked at the descendants of that woman and that angel. The descendant who made a name for themselves after the House of Tudor wouldn't recognize the Nephilim child as one of their own. As the secret remained unknown from the society, the woman was heralded as the 'Virgin Queen' by her people and will be forever known as that.

The nephilim child looked like any human, except that he was very attractive compared to a regular mortal. He was raised secretly in Wales. As he reached his adulthood, he was able to marry a woman of virtue and concealed his powers properly. After the death of his beloved he killed himself with his own power because that's the only thing that will kill him. Tragic.

Over the years, the descendants were able to excel in the society because of that power, but after the fourth generation the powers inside their blood diminished and they began to work like any human to get to where they are. Although that power disappeared from their grasps, the lesser beings will still recognize them as an angel because of the smell of their blood.

All of the last generations were mostly heirs and most of them died. Miraculously, the twelfth generations are twins, a boy and a girl. Fate has other plans for this girl, while the boy will continue the family legacy. They are very special than the other generations.

I looked and saw that the boy has silver hair and gray eyes and the girl has black hair and eyes, very opposite of a twin. I looked closely at the girl and saw the mark of a flower that signals that she is the one that was granted for that woman as the new vessel.

I have that woman's soul and I would never give it up for anybody, even if that angel asked for it. Then, those two little half-breeds are not that far from here, they must have disguised themselves again.

I heard the parents mentioned the name of the two children, Apollo and Artemis. Warrior twins, hopefully that names will help them in the future.

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