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WHEN ANDY AWOKE THE NEXT MORNING, SHE FELT EXTREMELY PROUD OF HERSELF. She managed to sneak in and out of the house without her dad ever knowing. She deceived the Hawkin's Chief of Police in his own house! What an achievement. Andy wasn't even that nervous about going to school anymore. She was excited to see Barb. The two of them had really hit it off. Although, she did feel a bit anxious over what would happen between her, Nancy and Steve.

As Andy got ready for the day ahead and went into the kitchen she was surprised to see her dad already awake and cooking breakfast. Her anger from the night before still lingered but she knew it would never be brought up again. He would never apologise and Andy would never ask him too. They had more of a 'brush it under the rug' approach in their relationship. Andy wasn't sure if she liked it that way but knew her dad would always be too stubborn to act any better.

"What are you making?" Andy asked, taking a seat at the small dining table in the centre of the kitchen. Her dad placed a plate in front of her. It was full of toast, eggs, and bacon.

Andy tucked in, Hopper sat opposite her with his own meal. "I was thinking maybe we could do your bedroom up today? I know it's probably not as nice as your one back in New York, so maybe we can change that."

Andy swallowed her mouth full and shrugged. "I'm not here for long, I don't know if it'd be worth it."

Her dad sighed, shaking his head in defeat. "Yeah, that's true... But maybe we could still do it for when you come to visit, in the future, you know?"

Andy's happiness bloomed inside her. "Okay, yeah, that would be nice."


The school day dragged. Painfully and slowly. Andy didn't see Barbara anywhere, or Nancy. Heck, she didn't even see Steve. She wasn't sure how that had all happened, maybe people went off campus at lunch she wondered. Regardless, when the final bell rung indicating the end of school Andy wasted no time in getting the hell out of there and she had no intention of going to watch the football game that was taking place.

As she strode across the exit her gaze fell onto Nancy, who was walking a few feet in front of her to a strange scenario up ahead. Steve leaned against a car, that could only be described as a piece of junk, as him, Tommy and Carol flicked through what appeared to photographs, while Jonathan Byers watched on distraught.

Andy didn't know what was going on, but she knew it couldn't be good. She quickly caught up with Nancy and at the same time, they approached the group.

"Here's the starring lady... And Andy, you even made a cameo too."

Andy didn't know who passed her the photograph but she was suddenly looking down at a blurry shot taken at night. The setting looked familiar and after a couple of seconds, she recognised it as Steve's garden from last night. In the middle of the image was Andy, hands tucked under her armpits and staring down at her lap.

𝐝𝐚𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐞 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐥〡STEVE HARRINGTONWhere stories live. Discover now