~Invasion Of The Vestals~

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The Bakugan worlds have been at peace, for a long time. Of course I missed my home, and my Bakugan. But Shun and the others, always said that "one day, they'll come back"

I've always waited for that day to come, but it's been I don't know years or months since then. "I'm going to be late! Why did I over sleep!" I shouted while running to work.

While running, I felt something in the air that made everyone freeze "what the...wait that's, New Vestoria. What's going on?" I Asked as it disappeared
"That was strange...something's not right"


"It's good to see you again sister, and don't worry about ice. She's all good and safe, but I better be going. There's a meeting I need to get to, so I'll see ya later"

"I'm glad there still safe, wonder when Shun's coming home. Man this guy, he just loves his work" I sighed as I looked at a picture of him "I'm glad I met you Shun, but something isn't right...what's this energy I fell?" I Asked as I saw my picture of Ice fall.

"A crack right through Ice...what has happened, this must mean something...but what?"


"Hmm...I can't get ahold of Shun, did something happen?" I Asked as a bolt of lighting hit a tree "wait it can't be...can it?" I Asked "of course it can Milady!"

I look down seeing Wyvern "Wyvern! Is it really you?" I Asked "Yup, it's me in the flesh. And I bet Drago is with Dan" Wyvern Said as I hugged him "wait but, what are you doing here? I thought you were keeping the main core safe?" I Asked.

"That's what me and Drago are here for, both worlds but mainly New Vestoria have been attacked. I'm here to ask for help, something has entered both Vestoria's and captured most Bakugan...and yes Ice has been captured, so will you let me fight along side you again?" Wyvern Asked
"Of course buddy! You can count on me, now let's go save our world"


"No...this is New Vestoria...What happened here?" I Asked "the vestal's happened, they captured all of the Bakugan. We must save them before it's to late" Wyvern Said "you can count on me, no one kidnaps my ice!"

"Hey your a cutie" I look seeing a guy in a mask "who are you?" I asked "names Thunder princess, and your my queen" Thunder Said "Okay What? Just saying I'm taken, and are you the one who took the Bakugans?" I Asked
"Maybe, but why don't we Battle and find out" Thunder Said jumping down.

"Alright, Hey that's a cool device. Say is it how we Brawl here?" I Asked "a girl with brain, I like that. Here, I've made sure to get you one. Now let's Brawl" Thunder Said as I placed the device on my arm

"Oh I'm ready! Let's do this Wyvern" I Said "right, I'm ready" Wyvern Said as he smirked "Bakugan Brawl! Ventus Phoenix stand!" Thunder shouted "that's new...okay let's see, 600 G?! Man I don't have a Bakugan strong enough.." I Said "don't think that, throw me in" Wyvern Said as I nodded.

"Bakugan Brawl! Wyvern stand!" I shouted, my eyes widened when I saw Wyvern evolved "no way...Wyvern that's awesome! And your powering with 680 G's!" I Said "listen here buddy! If you think you can come here and steal every Bakugan, then your wrong! Me and drago will defeat you!" Wyvern shouted.

"I'd like to see you try, Ability Active! Rising Flare storm!" Thunder shouted "not happening! Ability Active! Tornado Storm!" I shouted as the attack was blocked
"Ability Active! Shadow Curse Storm!" I shouted as his Bakugan went back.

"Life gain almost out"

"Life gain? That's new, Ready Wyvern?" I Asked "Yup, put me in!"
"Bakugan Brawl! Wyvern stand!"
"Bakugan Brawl! Ventus Beatle stand!"

"Gate Card set! Ability Active! Shadow storming thunder!" I shouted
"Wyvern's Power goes up to 880 G's"

"What?! But how?!" Thunder Asked "Gate Card Open! Void!"
"Wyvern's Power goes all the way to 1180 G's"

"Now Wyvern!" I shouted "Shadow Storm Curse!"
"Thunder Life gain all to 0, Icy wins"

"I got two Bakugan back, now get outta here. Before Wyvern does damage to you" I Said as he ran away scared "could you be Icy?"

I turn seeing a guy with Purplish hair "yes...who may you be?" I Asked "That's not important now, come. We have some friends, you might wanna reunite with"


What friends is he talking about? What happened to Shun? Find out in the next chapters!

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