~Return Of A Friend~

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"I'm sorry Lady icy, I couldn't find Shun" Plitheon Said "it's fine, get some rest" I Said "my liege, aren't you tired?" Falco Asked "I am but...it's fine, I don't really need sleep" I Said as I looked out the window.

"But Liege...you need it for any battle, and you might battle Gus in the morning" Falco Said "it's fine Falco, now you get some rest k" I Said "yes my liege"

I looked down at my Gauntlet, then at my trap "I hope you can be helpful in battle Hound, cause I'm going to need it"


"Midnight training? Are you sure Milady?" Wyvern Asked "yes, if I'm going to battle Gus. We need the training" I Said "but you haven't slept in days, Lady Icy. Please don't push yourself" Plitheon Said worried

"I'll be fine Plitheon, now are we going to train or what?" I Asked "Alright, but let's not go over board" Wyvern Said as I jumped up a tree.
"You think we should tell Dan? Or maybe Mira or Ace?" Plitheon Asked "we should, we mustn't let anyone worry for her. She needs rest, she hasn't been herself lately. We must find Sir Shun, he can make her stop this phase of hers" Wyvern Said

"Right, let's hope we can find him"


"She's still at it?" Falco Asked "Yup, she doesn't want to rest. I'm worried for Lady Icy brother" Plitheon Said "I am to, but we mustn't let her down. If that Gus guy comes back, she'll use us and Wyvern. Did you tell the others?" Falco Asked
"Yes, they told us to keep a close eye on her" Plitheon said "Alright"

"Hello, Miss Icy"
"That voice...Gus" I turn seeing hologram of him "I warn you and Dan, that I'll take Drago and your Bakugan away" Gus said "as if! I would never let you do that!" I shouted

"I understand if you refuse, but you did say the next time we meet" Gus said "you think I'd back down, as if! Your on Gus, you'll be defeated!" I Said "Good, my little friend here will take you to the location" Gus said as I grabbed the BuzzCam.

"Falco, Plitheon. Let's go" I Said as I started walking "wait! Shouldn't we tell the others?" Falco Asked "go ahead, I'm not stopping you. But you better not be late for the battle if you do" I Said as I continued walking


"You made it" Gus said "you think I wouldn't keep my promise, I never back down. I hope you brought backup, cause your going to need it when I'm done with you" I Said as I smirked. "I don't need backup" Gus said as I smiled

"Gauntlet Power strike!"

"Gate Card Set!"
"Crush them Vulcan, Bakugan Brawl!"
"Blow him away Falco, Bakugan Brawl!"

"Ability Active, Subterra rector!"
"Get up in the air Falco!" I shouted "right!" Falco flew up high
Falco: 460

"You were fools, to face us! Now you'll see why, Ability Active! Titan Knuckles!" Gus said as Vulcan fired "Falco!" I shouted as Falco was grabbed by the neck.


"I'm ahead by 500, now watch as I take Falco away forever!" Gus said "not happening! Ability Active! Tornado wall!" I shouted as the attack was blocked

"You alright Falco?" I Asked "yes I'm fine" Falco Said "That last Ability saved Falco, but you lost precious life points in the process." Gus said.
"He's tough...are you Ready Wyvern?" I Asked "Yup, I won't let you down" Wyvern Said as I grabbed him.
"Gate Card Set!" I Said throwing down the card "Bakugan Brawl! Wyvern stand!"
"You won't take us down Gus!" Wyvern shouted.

"Gate card open! Darkness Surge!" I shouted

"Alright showtime, Dark Hound stand!" I shouted as my trap was summoned "now time for me to take you down! Double Ability Active! Darkus Howl Plus Shadow Curse Tornado!" I shouted
"Ability Active! Pyrus Durance!" Gus said as the attacks started to do badly anything "hit em hard!" I shouted as Vulcan was sent back.
I caught Wyvern and Dark Hound "great job, but it's not over" I Said as I looked at Gus

I then saw someone step in front "who's that?" Plitheon Asked "could that be the Pyrous user? I guess only one way to find out, Wyvern lend me a hand" I Said a so grabbed him.

"So you must be Spectra, I've heard stories about you" I Said "nice to know, your Wyvern is very powerful. I'd like to have it for myself" Spectra Said "Not a chance buddy, if you want Dan and Drago. You'll have to defeat me and Wyvern" I Said holding Wyvern out.

"Gate Card Set" Spectra said throwing the card down "Bakugan Brawl, Bakugan stand!"
"A Dragonoid...Bakugan Brawl! Plitheon stand!"
"Ready to battle Lady Icy" Plitheon Said

"Double Ability Active! Duo dragon Plus Item core!"
"No way! 1000 Power, Man this isn't good..." I Said "Plitheon Attack now!" I shouted as they started battling.

"Triple Ability Active! Fencer Shield Plus Fly Slasher Plus Gravity Mine!" I shouted
"Bakugan Brawl!"
"Ability Active! Heavy Aegis!" Gus said as my attack was stopped "no!"

Just then a green light appeared "what the...what's going on?" I Asked, just then a bird came down from the sky. My eyes widened when I saw the person riding it "it can't be...that can't be..."

"It is him!"
"It's Shun!" I shouted as I smiled "Ability Active! Thunder power- Glimmering Slash!" Shun Said as he jumped off "Ability Active! Wind power- Storming strike shot!" Shun Said as Vulcan was hit and return to his sphere form.

Spectra brought out his Helios "that power...Plitheon keep you stand!" I shouted "right Lady Icy!"

"Hey Shun, Perfect timing" I Said as I smiled "how's it going Icy?" Shun Asked "it's going good, except for this dude named Spectra" I Said "I can't wait to meet em, what do you saw we show them how this is done" Shun Said as I smiled.

"Sounds good to me Shunny, Plitheon lets get this battle heated up!" I shouted "I won't let you down" Plitheon Said "Ability Active! Claw Thunder Position- Keganui!" Shun Said as the Dragonoid Bakugan we're trapped.

"Ability Active! General Quasar!" Spectra Said hitting Shuns Bakugan "Plitheon come back! Bakugan Brawl! Wyvern stand!" I shouted as he flew and started battling Helios.

"Double Ability Active! Nova Shadow Curse Plus Shadow Nova Burst!" I shouted as the attack sent back Helios ending the battle
"Great job Wyvern" I Said "thanks...Milady..."
"You deserve a nice long rest" I Said as I put Wyvern on my shoulder.

I then felt a little dizzy "Lady Icy, are you alright?" Plitheon Asked "I'm fine...don't worry k" I Said as my breathing picked up "your not okay, Wyvern what has she been doing?" Shun Asked

"None stop training, she's been pushing herself" Wyvern Said "I see, cmon let's get you inside"


"So, where have you been man? You just disappeared, off the face of the earth" Dan asked "it was...really weird. I was up in the mountains by myself, working on my ninja skills. When suddenly a crack in the dimension appeared, I was sucked into it. And the next thing I knew, I was here. Wherever here was" Shun Said

*thats why I couldn't contact him, he was stuck here in New Vestoria*

"My liege, is everything alright?" Falco Asked "ya I'm fine, just...just thinking.." I Said "say Shun, were you the one Serpenoid sensed?" Wyvern Asked "Yup, I was surprised to see Icy here. Even you Dan and Marucho" Shun Said as I held my arm.

"But shun, why didn't you show yourself? Why didn't you come with us after the battle?" Dan asked "sorry Dan, I had to get back to something extremely important" Shun Said "What could be more important, then your old brawling partners?" Dan asked

"We're almost there. Alpha City, New Vestoria" Baron Said
"Hey just where I was headed, I'm going to break in and save Skyress"

Bakugan (Shun X Icy) CanceledWhere stories live. Discover now