~The Day New Vestoria Stood Still~

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"Dude are you kidding me, you had this thing the whole time. And you didn't tell us" Dan said "ya Marucho, what's up with that huh?" Julie asked "quiet guys, let him concentrate" Mira said as I saw Falco fly back.

"Where'd you fly off to?" I Asked "a garden" "a garden..? Why there?" I Asked "y...you'll see" I got a little confused on what Falco was doing, but I didn't bother
"Here we go, this should do it" Marucho Said as a screen came up "good afternoon to you, my fellow Bakugan Battle Brawlers"

"Hey Klaus, now are you man it's been so long. I see living on Vestal, hasn't effect your sense of style" Dan Said as I almost laughed "well Dan, thanks for the compliment. But we have more pressing issues to discus" Klaus Said.

"Guys you've got to help us, they've come back!" Baron said "Hydron and his posse of Vexos Scum" Ace Said "you can't be serious!"

"I'm so sorry Master Dan! Hydron, ambushed us at the park. And took the Haos Energy" Baron said "that's not good" Wyvern Said "you've got that right Wyvern"

"So It looks like the Vexos, are calling us out" Dan said "just like the Ancient said, there after our seven (made up one, Ice) Attribute energy's, for the BTC system" Drago said.
"And now that they got the Haos Energy, there one step closer to Activating it" Mira said

"At least they don't have the element of surprise anymore" Shun Said "we know what we gotta do, time for us to go to Vestal. And take these Vexos Clowns head on. It's time we shut the down for good" Dan said as we nodded our heads.

"Don't worry guys, Julie and I can hold down the fort just like before" Runo Said "ya, we're old pros at it now" Julie said "Alright then, next stop Vestal!"

"My liege...what's the matter?" Falco Asked "hmm? Oh it's nothing, just worried about home that's all" I Said putting up a fake smile


"No pressure doc, we're counting on you. You
Gotta get us all to Vestal, in once piece" Dan said "yes, I understand. You'll be fine, this isn't a sling shot you know" Micheal said "you have to be careful when you get there okay" Alice said.

"Don't worry, we're the best remember" Marucho Said "I cant wait to see Vestal Milady, it'll be nice to see Ace and Baron again" Wyvern Said "ya it will..."
"Hmm..what's this I feel?" "Falco? What's wrong?" I Asked "something isn't right my liege...something is wrong"

"I'll go check it out"
"Shun?" "You've made a good point, it's probably safer if we split up anyways. We'll catch you later in Vestal" Shun Said "are you also taking Icy? Or is she staying with us?" Dan asked.
"She'll come with me, I don't want to make her worried" Shun Said as I smiled "the dimension transporter has almost located on the coordinates. If your going to jump, nows the time to do it."

"Your going to be fine Shun and Icy, just remember to hold your breath" Alice said "say hi to New Vestoria, okay buddies" Dan said "let's go Wyvern and Falco" "right!"


"W..Whoa.!" "You alright?" Shun Asked "I'm never going to get use to that" I Said as the portal closed "this looks like New Vestoria, but where are all the Bakugan? Is it possible we've been transported to the wrong planet?" Shun Asked.

"No we're in the right place, but even tho this is my home. It seems strange to me to" Ingram said "what the, Ingram what's wrong? We're really in New Vestoria, why are you still a ball?" Shun Asked
"Hey ya, shouldn't you be in your normal forms?" I Asked "we were wondering the same thing, ourselves" Ingram said

"It doesn't make any sense, we destroyed all the dimension Controllers. I don't understand" Shun Said "the dimension controller is not responsible"

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